BERNIE’S BILLIONS: Sanders Lays Out Plan to TAX AMAZON, WALMART 100% on Workers' Benefits

Originally published at: BERNIE’S BILLIONS: Sanders Lays Out Plan to TAX AMAZON, WALMART 100% on Workers’ Benefits | Sean Hannity

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders escalated his all-out war with America’s largest corporations this week; unveiling his plan to tax Amazon, Walmart, and other companies 100% of the total amount of federal benefits received by their workers.

Sanders slammed Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in a series of public statements over Amazon’s working conditions and low-pay; saying many of its employees received government assistance and food stamps despite working full-time.

“On September 5 we are going to introduce legislation to end the absurdity of middle class taxpayers having to subsidize large, profitable corporations, many of which are owned by billionaires. If Amazon, Walmart and other corporations won’t pay their workers a living wage, our bill would establish a 100 percent tax equal to the amount of federal benefits received by their low-wage workers. The American taxpayer should not be subsidizing the richest people in history so they can underpay their employees,” said a statement from Sanders’ office.

Read his full statement here.