BERNED OUT: Elizabeth Warren Raises $19 MILLION; Tops Sanders' Struggling Campaign

Originally published at: BERNED OUT: Elizabeth Warren Raises $19 MILLION; Tops Sanders’ Struggling Campaign | Sean Hannity

Senator Elizabeth Warren raked-in more than $19 million in the second quarter of 2019; outpacing Sen. Bernie Sanders but falling behind Vice President Joe Biden and Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s fundraising efforts.

“The second-term Massachusetts senator is a leader of the Democratic Party’s populist left, and has sworn off high-dollar fundraisers. But she still raised more this quarter than every candidate except former Vice President Joe Biden and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigeig, both of whom have stopped for numerous big-money fundraising events on the campaign trail,” reports CBS News.

“To sum it up: we raised more money than any other 100% grassroots funded campaign,” Warren campaign manager Roger Lau said to supporters.

Warren confirmed last Thursday she supports banning private health insurance plans for all Americans; backing Senator Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All.’

“Who here would abolish private health insurance in favor of a government run plan?” asked MSNBC’s Lester Holt. “Just a show of hands.”

Warren was quick to support the massive entitlement program.

“I’m with Bernie on Medicare for All. Let me tell you why. I spent a big chunk of my life studying why families go broke. One of the number one reasons is the cost of healthcare… That leaves families with rising premiums and rising co-pays,” said Warren.

“Medicare for All solves that problem. I understand there are a lot of politicians who say it’s not possible… What they’re really telling you is they just don’t want to fight for it. Healthcare is a basic human right,” she added.

Read the full report at CBS News.

Feel the Bern!!! Of Burning Out! With Bernie!

Maybe this could be his New Slogan?

Also they could Burn out in a gas guzzling car, and then preach to people about how Global Warming/Whining is real. lol.