Being a liberal politician (and/or connected to them) can really pay off

Do I put you down as thinking white privilege and income do not inequality exist?

Telling their truth.

The SCOTUS ruled correctly in Citizens.

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Weā€™ve had that conversation before, I know that you believe they ruled correctly.

It is majority privilege and a fact of life.

ā€œIncome inequalityā€ is the stupidest thing ever typed. You are not guaranteed an outcome.

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Of course they did. They couldnā€™t have ruled any other way. The 1st Amendment is clear.

Iā€™m not talking about whether Citizens United was decided correctly or not.

Iā€™m saying that if you accept Citizens United as correct, it follows that any significant attempts to ban or restrict lobbying are just as unconstitutional.

And I disagree. Where was the quo for Citizens?

If thereā€™s no quid pro quo in corporations financing a politicians campaign, thereā€™s definitely no quid pro quo in modern lobbying.

Thatā€™s ridiculous. Lobbying is quid pro quo.

As a general rule, do lobbyists lobby candidates or incumbents?

Itā€™s quite illegal for any gifts or money to change hands.

Both. Although when lobbying a candidate, its called donating, and money usually does change hands.

Stop dude.

Lobbying, not donating. Which did Citizens United do?

Is the FEC Constitutionally allowed to bar the press from negatively reporting on a candidate so many days before an election? Or are we going to pretend CNN isnā€™t a corporation?

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No. Stop trying to deflect to arguing Citizens United.

We are arguing Citizens. Youā€™re trying to make it lobbying.

No, weā€™re not.

You are arguing Citizens United by yourself. The posts you responded to are about lobbying.

:rofl: have a nice evening.

:joy: Iā€™m arguing it.

Yes. From the beginning of this conversation, I have been discussing how Citizens United is relevant to lobbying.

I donā€™t know why youā€™re having such a hard time following.

Because itā€™s not relevant to lobbying. They were not lobbying.

Is the topic of the thread Citizens United?

Legally, it is very relevant to lobbying, for the reasons Iā€™ve mentioned.