The difference is, PP is killing hundreds of thousands of babies every year so there is no argument for defamation.
doesn’t mean they can’t sue you for defamation.
It would get tossed out with prejudice at the first hearing.
so would your case against Hogg.
Just give it up. His statements are lies and defamatory it would be a slam dunk.
Now what would you get in damages?
A baseball glove, a skateboard and his book bag?
What would you have to spend on filing such a suit and getting it to trial? Tens of thousands.
You haven’t got a damned clue, just quit.
that is your opinion not a fact.
No, it’s a fact, his statements are bold faced lies and defamatory.
It is also a fact you seem to have no clue what you are talking about as evidenced by your last dozen or so posts.
It is also a fact, they would be unable to recover even a dime in damages because he has nothing to take.
Your opinion and accusations are not legal facts.
Opinions. Calling them facts does not make them so.
Why are NRA supporters so sensitive. Stand by your organization. What’s a few dead children here and there?
Children die every day, nothing we can do will change that.
We have more legal firearms in this country today than at any time in history, more than one per person and yet our violent crime rates are at their lowest since the mid sixties and our homicide rate is less than half what it was at the peak.
Law abiding gun owners are not now nor have they ever been the problem.
We can actually solve this problem without infringing on the rights of anyone but then that’s really not your goal which is obvious.
We average around 2.5 million reported defensive gun uses in the US every year. Absent those interventions what happens to the homicide rate?
Give Hogg this, he is the best crisis actor I’ve ever seen.
Word! Puts Joaquin Phoenix to shame.
exactly. We live in America where we have the first amendment to protect those in the minority.
The NRA sue for defamation, but they would get laughed out of court.
davey called me a bad name…LOL
Makes plenty of bucks, cap. The american way
and wields his power wisely.
saving it strictly for people like Ingram and her ilk
Davey called me a bad name and I dont like it.
Victim hood at its finest.
Laura is eons better than her critics.
I have never purported myself as anything.
I am who I am.
she folded like a cheap tent.
Camera Hogg’s boycott is what has folded like a cheap suit. He is being properly ignored now.