Behold the power of The Hogg!

But Of course the Sherman was better than the Lee.

That goes without saying lol.


My opinions count the same as yours does here.


In your opinion. :sunglasses:

Yes in my opinion. Since I have no facts to back it up.


No, you keep trying to pass off your own prejudices as fact.

That’s nice.


thank God the Brits don’t see things the way you do .

Not much.

To let us know how they vote. You know the NRA is not the only group that does that right?

You know all those teachers who were marching for chalk? $125M - #3 since 1989. Strange. Isn’t education run at the state level.

You’ll never guess who #1 is.

More opinions? No.

Maybe you have forgotten that the South was at war with the North when the alleged spitting went on. They aren’t anymore.

You are really reaching.

You knew Abe well, did ya?

He’s pretty old huh? :sunglasses:

More Hogg Power.

causes usually sane Police officers to wish bodily harm to said Hogg.

all this over a simple protest.


you never know. Like here’s some money.

Now dont protest Publix anymore.


Maybe the cop should have just used an official account to threaten police harassment against Hogg instead?

Then blocked anybody who criticized it.

and now suspended.

the power of the Hogg.


Hogg 1 Cop 0


wonder how many other brave people will wish bodily harm on Hogg in Public.
