'Beautiful name': Trump announces Gulf of Mexico will get new, pro-America revamp

The Gulf of Maine and Alaska are bordered by the US. Thus, it would make sense to have a US name of some sort. The Gulf of California is pretty much surrounded by Mexico. Maybe that can be called the Gulf of Mexico instead of California.

The current Gulf of Mexico borders both the US and Mexico. It is within that context that I believe Gulf of America makes sense.

And both with very long coastlines along the gulf.

I’m with you, from way back at the beginning of the thread:

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Sure, I have no issues with any of that. But maybe we should just leave the names alone and focus on some of the important issues. This all feels like a distraction from inflation, war, etc. We could change the name of every body of water that borders the US and it would make no practical difference whatsoever.

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Why don’t we pluralize GULF like we pluralize HALF?


Damn English. Who made up the rules anyway…

Maybe Trump should straighten that out too.


Ditto fort names. :man_shrugging:


I’m with you on that one, from way back at the beginning of the thread.

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And this could be a topic that helps measure whether Trump/MAGA is a cult.

Who is really going to go to the mattress over this. (Some will.)


I don’t disagree. To be honest, I don’t believe anything will happen. But we are in a news lull, waiting for Trump to take office. Lots of idle speculation and hyperbole to be discussed.

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Trump literally said these things. That’s not a “news lull” that listening to him speak and then reporting it.

Never said he didn’t.

I was kind of referring to Trump with my comment. He is pontificating and speaking in hyperbole. Of course, the media will pick up on anything Trump, but much of what he is saying will amount to nothing in the long run. IMHO

Don’t get me started on this topic, I could go on all day. :smile:

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You realize how dumb this is right? Having a president that sometimes we should take seriously and sometimes we shouldn’t. It just gives you guys this cover to dismiss the dumb ■■■■ that he says, and say people are “frothing at the mouth”, when in fact, we’re just repeating back the things coming out of his mouth.

You had to have known this was coming! :rofl:

Say hi to Norman.

Norman the Camel

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Can you please stop. These are discussion boards. We post things and we discuss. If you don’t want to participate just don’t post.

You aren’t discussing anything when you launch into one of your anti-Trump diatribes. You focused on his behavior, and I responded with Norman.

We were discussing a slow news cycle and my thoughts on the possibility Trump might be pontificating during a slow news cycle. You then proceeded to complain about Trump’s behavior. I’m fine with you doing that. But rather than respond directly to your rant about his behavior, I find it easier to respond with a picture of Norman.

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We’re discussing whether or not people should take the things Trump says seriously and the implications of that. One of those being, his enablers get to pick and choose what should be taken seriously based on how dumb it is. A very convenient cover when the alternative would be to actually hold him accountable for the things he says.

Actually, the only ones discussing Trump’s behavior are the Liberals in this forum. Conservatives are simply laughing at the one-sided conversation; obsession; TDS; frothing at the mouth or whatever.

Previously when Trump was in office, my response to those kinds of diatribes was to respond with “Please Don’t Stop”. This go 'round I instead decided to go with Norman.

K. Thanks. We’re good here.

One of those being, his enablers get to pick and choose what should be taken seriously based on how dumb it is.

bring it over! see if anyone discusses…