Barr has Mueller report

Mueller…can you seriously knock it off with this?
■■■■ even barr admitted he commited crimes…

Now stop asking this question.

I hope you and the left go for it.
This should make the GOP’s day.
Let’s have lots and lots of investigations. Let’s let the witch hunt continue. Lets have the left on tv screaming day in and day out that if they get just one more thing they want that they will have the Trump crime family.
Let’s see them haul all of Trumps family in to testify. Lets see them make Ivanka cry on national tv.
Lets let the circus begin.
This is going to make the citizens of the USA sit a back and say what on earth is going on in DC. They had their special council he said nothing to see here and their still going after Trump. And not only are they going after him their going after his family.
Sure fire way to get the house to change back to GOP and for Trump to get re-elected. America likes nothing better than to defend someone they perceive as being harmed by lies and innuendo.
Let’s let the leftist control the discussion and show just how vindictive and crazy they are.

Very funny… Inherent in your whole argument is the assumption that there is nothing there…

All their work on legislation is going to be drowned out by all the crazy leftist on tv hollering night after night. We almost have him. One more piece of evidence and we’ve got him. And the talk is going to center around who is testifying who has testified where they can maybe find more dirt. Just what might this new source know.
Tell me what legislation did the GOP house pass in 6 years while Obama was President that you remember. The only thing most people remember is that they repealed the ACA several times. I can tell you that they pass thousands of bills and all that happened to them was that they were shoved in a drawer in Harry Reeds office never to see the light of day.
What do you think is going to happen to anything Pelosi sends over to the senate. It’s going to go in a drawer in McConnell’s desk never to see the light of day. Unless it something crazy enough like the new green deal. Than it will be brought out and put up for a vote to get a record of who voted for it and who didn’t vote.
No if they keep down this road the house democrat’s are going to be seen in the same light as all the people who joined in during the Mccarthty era and the salem witch trails.

If you have no trust in Mueller and the DOJ you are just like all the Trump supporters who don’t trust Mueller and the DOJ.
Me, I trust that with all the focus on them that there is no way they would ever try to do something to make the department look any worse than it already does. Barr, Rosenstein and Mueller had a job to do and I believe they have and will do that job honestly.
That someone is not going to like the out come in a given. But it makes the left look like vindictive sore losers to keep this going…
I thought the left were the ones screaming that we were doing great harm to our intelligence agencies by not believing that they can be non partisan.
The DOJ is going to have their work cut out for them to regain the trust of the American people. And I’m not sure that they ever can.

And this late in the game we are supposed to believe something Dem congress critters find the Mueller and his men couldn’t?

That would be hard to believe.

Do it! DO IT! Keep the Dem’s in the spotlight as poor losers and spoiled brats. keep letting them spout over and over again – there is a crime here someplce we just HAVE to find it to let you know what it is.

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Nixon was never indicted by Special Counsel. His crimes were revealed during Congressional hearings.

As a great president once said, trust but verify…

It’s starting to sound like you are worried…

Oh ■■■■■■■■ Barr did.

The leatter said it didn’t meet the definition to file charges. So what does it mean if it doesn’t fit the definition to file a crime?

But there was an underlying crime – you know the break in, caught red handed.

Where is the crime with Trump?

General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.

There is NOT sufficient evidence that he committed a crime. Do you have trouble reading the letter.

There is NOT sufficent evident to establish the president committed the offense.

Where do you read in the letter Barr admits Trump committed a crime.

I dont know if there is one. Waiting to read the Mueller report and the SDNY investigation.

Of course they can.

All they have to do is read it into the Record.

Yes the underlying crime wasn’t there…which is weak.

He also pulled a comey. No prosecutors would bring up charges…

See trump obstructed and we all know he did. Sadly the ones who claim to be bout law and order are full of ■■■■■

Let’s see it.

It’s a guaranteed best seller.


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Well it had better be, given all his detours and ratholes outside of the original scope of the investigation.

That never happened.

But it makes for a laughable Right wing Trumplican talking point!


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Would dearly love to see how the Trumplican heads would (figuratively) explode if the full Mueller report got hacked and released in similar fashion to the way Democratic documents did.

I never see Trumplicans complain about the illegality of the DNC or Clinton hacking.

Would love to see the WUDS hypocrisy if Mueller’s report was hacked and released.

“Russia, if you’re listening…”