Barr has Mueller report

They may but will probably be comforted somewhat knowing that Schiff approved the redactions. I too, doubt the full report will be released, I’m not sure Trump would go that far but we do live in crazy times.

Two crimes. Perjury and obstruction of justice.

And what’s funny only 5 Dem members, and not a single Senate Dem voted for impeachment or removal of office on Obstruction.

yet here we are today, and Dem’s are all ready to impeach over the no charge of obstruction.

Pelosi doesn’t. Until she decides she wants impeachment (and I doubt she ever will) democrats will not vote for impeachment.

I keep pointing this out but will again… The house can impeach for ANYTHING they want… the standard for impeachment is not the same standard as a criminal conviction…

Not only no obstruction, but no crime for which to obstruct the investigation.

The best they have now is that he is fat and they don’t like the way he combs his hair.

Are you basing this on your thorough review of the Mueller report? Don’t worry Adam Schiff we be reviewing the full report soon…

Im not sure he chickened out…but he moved it up the chain…his job was to make a case and bring charges. He wws supposed to be independent and not political…while he wasnt political he gave it to two people who are political appointees.

Was he just following doj guidelines? Maybe…but you shouldnt be spiking the football yet. Trump committed crimes. We should see what they are.

Do it! Do it! I mean the optics of that going into the presidential ellection would be phenominal. So will 18 investigations in the house and senate being pushed by Dem’s!

The latter matters not when it comes to Obstruction statutes. So that’s irrelevant. And Mueller found enough evidence of potential obstruction that he could not clear Trump.

Your proof of knowledge of the crimes he committed? You should apply or at least go talk to the FBI

I would rather see them have hearings and bring it all to light and the voters decide in 2020…


And Pelosi isn’t stupid enough to let it come up for a vote unless a Nixonesque smoking gun is found.

Perhaps it was the other way around … that he could not find evidence to show that he did not obstruct. You may think that is a distinction with no difference, but it is not. Juries find defendants “not guilty” due to insufficient evidence routinely, but they rarely find defendants “innocent” due to evidence proving that they did not commit the crime.

Absolutely… Lot’s and lot’s of hearings, testimony, etc. but no impeachment unless something really awful is found…

Trump supporters seem to think they can control the discussion still… bad news, Nunes is now a minority member of the HPSCI…

Maybe. I concede that. All the more reason to see the full report for ourselves. Sans national security information.

And keep working on legislation and keep talking about the issues. They can work and have investigations at the same time.

The American people (except for the rabid Trump haters) are tired of hearing about this. After more than two years of constant harping by Democrats about “collusion and obstruction” they want it off the evening news. She would do well to pressure the impeachment hounds to drop it if she expects Democrats to make gains in Congress and take back the White House in ‘20.

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They must keep up the delusion, reality would be such a shock for them.