Barr has Mueller report

When almost every aspect of the Presidency and the President is mired in scandal… at some point one would think that the scandals are actually real instead of waving them away.

For the past couple of years, we have had on a near weekly basis a scandal that would have destroyed any other administration. It baffles me that stuff that would have mattered so much in 2016 doesn’t matter now.

I’m not a criminal so i dont give a ■■■■ how criminals feel about it. If trump cared so much about his criminal buddies, maybe he shouldnt have fired comey and bragged to russiams the next day how it took pressure off him. Weird how quickly trump supporters forget recent history

No… it isn’t. I don’t consider it as such.

So… not sure why it keeps getting brought up.

Of course he will, he does it all the time.

If he got off the hook, he now knows not to mess with them anymore, at least not seriously. They hurt him, no doubt about it.

He is a horrible judge of character.

What “exculpatory evidence” are you referring to?

Do you honestly think that the media oversite is the same as what a special council does? That is funny! I can’t believe that you even typed such a fairy tale.
And if you are saying the news media is the same as a special council that shows that as long as your sides dirt is not getting looked into your fine.
You name one special council that was appointed to look into the Obama administration about what the IRS was told to do. How about Bill Ayes friendship with Obama, or how about his friendship with Jeremiah Wright. And if I remember right the Obama administration got to investigate themselves a lot and low and behold they never found any wrong doings.
I would say that the media looked for more dirt on Trump during and after the election than they did Obama. He was the media’s chosen one and if something came out that was negative they either over looked it or said the people questioning him were racist.

The argument is unhinged.

This is like arguing with my ex wife. Pretty soon we will be arguing about the argument.


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Interesting quote of my post. Until one is convicted, no one is a criminal. How would you feel if you were elected and this happened to you?

I’m not a Trump supporter and I remember very well recent history. Are you really saying Comey shouldn’t have been fired? What did Rosenstein say about it.

Comey is probably the most incompetent clown to ever work in the DOJ. Of course he should have been fired.

That’s not what I’m saying.

I’m saying that the fact that the warrants were approved by the judge implies that the whole narrative you’re so desperate to believe may be faulty.

You appear to be claiming that the FISA judges were somehow less informed than you think you are - even though they read the whole application - and were somehow tricked into approving the warrants.

We are speaking of Congressional oversight… something that failed to happen in the first two years of the Trump presidency.

The IRS thing was looked into by the IG.

The Bill Ayers thing is stupid.

The Jeremiah Wright thing is stupid.

Trump has brought every single thing that is happening to him upon himself.

At some point people will have to wake up and realize that they are defending a crook yet they don’t even know what all of the crimes are.


I’m not talking about media oversight (that’s just reporting); I’m talking about congressional oversight, that’s called doing their jobs.

Okay here’s the deal

Personal attacks in this thread stop NOW.

It continues there will be sanctions issued.

Everyone in this thread has been warned.

But the Russia thing is not what Mueller prosecuted anyone for. He did not just look into just Russia interference. He looked into the people around Trumps work, their financial affairs and much more
. I think this is the new norm. From now on a special council should be appointed to look into everyone who surrounds a President as well as the President themselves to see if any one in the mix has done anything shady
Maybe this should just happen if the house is held by the same party as the President. I could go with that.
Every time we have a democrat as President and the house has a democratic majority a special council needs to be called because we can’t depend on a democrat house to have oversite of a democrat President.

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Thats false. A criminal doesnt have to be comvicted to have committed a crime. Very strange defense for trump you are putting here

Who is going to do it? The democrat AG?

Maybe we should just put one in the day after the election. Keep them on staff.

Trump said he fired comey cause of the russia thing. For not being a trump supporter you are pulling out all of his talking points

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Huh? Of course he does. How else do you know they committed the crime. I’ll accept confessions too.

Innocent until proven guilty.

Hmm - yes, very interesting argument.

I wonder how that would apply in the case of illegal immigration.

Let’s see - until one is convicted, no one is a criminal.

See the issue in thinking with the line of logic now?


Did he? Is that why Rosenstein told Trump to fire Comey? In writing?

You are still standing on my property.