Originally published at: BACKLASH: Miami Herald Columnist Apologizes After Wishing Trump, De Santis Supporters Contract Coronavirus | Sean Hannity
Miami Herald Columnist Fabiola Santiago publicly apologized Monday following a growing backlash after she said crowded Florida beached will help “thin the ranks” of Republican voters.
“THREAD: I deleted the tweet commenting on people at the beach because it didn’t accurately convey my sentiment and I want to apologize for the phrase I used that offended many people. Regardless of political differences, I would never wish any harm on anyone,” posted the contributor on Twitter.
THREAD: I deleted the tweet commenting on people at the beach because it didn’t accurately convey my sentiment and I want to apologize for the phrase I used that offended many people. Regardless of political differences, I would never wish any harm on anyone. 1/2
— Fabiola Santiago (@fabiolasantiago) April 20, 2020
In fact, my intent was to sound an alarm about prematurely opening up the country and the state. I was trying to open eyes, minds and save lives, not create a controversy about me instead of the issue, which merits discussion. #StayHome #BeSafe #practicesocialdistancing
— Fabiola Santiago (@fabiolasantiago) April 20, 2020
“In fact, my intent was to sound an alarm about prematurely opening up the country and the state. I was trying to open eyes, minds and save lives, not create a controversy about me instead of the issue, which merits discussion,” she added.