Backlash against the trump administration

Because I read.

So it is ok for thugs to go after Trump staff members? Are you really saying that???

I would tend to agree, but SHS is more than just a “supporter”. She lies all the time to cover up the lies for Trump, and she is the daily interface for the media.

What do you read? Conspiracy theory blog sites?

Are you seriously comparing Trump’s rhetoric with the abhorrent attacks perpetrated on Kirstjen Nielsen? Seriously???

So it is ok to go after her? She is fare game to all of the LW whackos? Really???

What LW whackos? She was asked to leave by one restaurant owner, after said owner conferred with her employees.

Talk about hyperbole.

I do find it rich that conservatives are asking for the smelling salts after Sanders was 86ed from a restaurant…

When Trump has literally booted reporters he dislikes politically and viciously attacked reporters, businesses and people he doesn’t like on a social media platform (twitter) that reaches tens of millions of people.

To those upset I say “Womp womp.”



I’m still not seeing the problem. The owner’s staff and her were uncomformatable participating in the Trump Administration.

Why is that a problem?


Right on! :fist:

Attica! Attica!

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They didn’t go after her, the restaurant owner asked her to leave and she did.

You still haven’t answer the question I posed to you in the other thread. Do you support this decision of a private business owner to exercise her right of freedom of association?

They went after her. It’s silly to claim otherwise.

Only for libs though. They throw a hissy is a conservative does it.

And what’s with this “womp womp” ■■■■■ Is it some kind of new liberal mating call?

Thats a matter of semantics. They didn’t seek her out, look for her, find her personal address. She was at a restaurant. She was identified, she was politely asked to leave, no arguments happened. Pretty simple really.

And Trump hasn’t repeatedly gone after private citizens and reporters? With a far more enormous platform than some restaurant owner?

The outrage at this is…amusing.

do you guys remember when we had big arguments here about this? although i think the argument was about NC and not PA.

"In Pennsylvania this year, the state’s highest court forced Republicans to redraw their congressional maps after deciding Republicans politicians had unconstitutionally considered voters’ politics to draw gerrymandered districts."


and a lot of people here cheered him.

Right on! :ok_hand: USA! USA!

Its an expression a conservative made. Not sure how you translated that into anything liberal.

No excuse. All this will do is make people dig in harder for the sociopath in White House.

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Do you understand what it is about “whataboutism” that puts it in a negative context? It’s when you try to use it to justify your guy doing a bad thing.

For example, Trump is accused of a thing by liberals. Trump defender said “but what about the time Obama did a thing” and then a discussion ensues about how they were different, and people argue.

That’s not how it was used in this case. In this case it was “omg the left is the worst at X” to which i replied “both sides are equally bad, do you not remember how badly Obama’s family was treated?” My point wasn’t to show the superiority of either side-my point was that both sides have despicable people who engaged in such tripe nonsense, not to prove that either side is better.

Get it now?