Backlash against the trump administration

Right on! :ok_hand: USA! USA!

Its an expression a conservative made. Not sure how you translated that into anything liberal.

No excuse. All this will do is make people dig in harder for the sociopath in White House.

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Do you understand what it is about “whataboutism” that puts it in a negative context? It’s when you try to use it to justify your guy doing a bad thing.

For example, Trump is accused of a thing by liberals. Trump defender said “but what about the time Obama did a thing” and then a discussion ensues about how they were different, and people argue.

That’s not how it was used in this case. In this case it was “omg the left is the worst at X” to which i replied “both sides are equally bad, do you not remember how badly Obama’s family was treated?” My point wasn’t to show the superiority of either side-my point was that both sides have despicable people who engaged in such tripe nonsense, not to prove that either side is better.

Get it now?

Cory Lewandowski said it on CNN in response to another guest bringing up a child immigrant with down’s syndrome who had been separated from her parents, or something like that. Pretty sure there’s a thread about it.

…and we all know we are discussing this also in this thread. Keep defending your own whataboutism you so haughtily decry in others.


I’m fine with it. Are you fine with an owner refusing to associate with a gay couple?

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No because gay is a protected class.

So is straight.
Just say’n.

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What attacks?

So just need to lie then. Cool.

Get a life. Protesters shout ‘shame’ at Kirstjen Nielsen as she eat at Mexican restaurant. You think that’s an attack? Get a life.

If Sarah had F bombs emblazend on her clothing and the “customers” complained then it would be the same. If the baker had refused to sell any type of cake to the gay couple then it would be the same. But that was not the case at this Red Hen where they refused Sarah service “just because” of political bias and discrimination.

It’s a crock and a tactic of leftists to alway blame “both sides” for outrageous behavior and actions because it’s only hateful, vicious and vile liberals who do it!!

Snowflake. You want your PC back. Just admit it.

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Stop being mean to Sarah!!!

And then defend the lie in court.

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Lets be specific.
Where the Person refusing to bake that cake was ok if the Gay Couple purchased anyone of the other Pre-Made cakes. The person just didn’t want to be involved with their talent and art to be part of the wedding.
So they did not refuse service or kick them out of the store. Just like chicken fast food store.

Okay. That’s actually kind of funny.

It’s true. Cons hate PC and don’t mind foul language, until it’s tossed in their direction.

And if an Owner of a place did the same to Eric Holder or Lynch they would have been called Racists.
Or would you and others been ok with it. Saying yea we don’t support Obama’s Policy’s
Its stupid for either side to do it.

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