Baby Formula and Government Failure

This turned into a mass tort ? Holy crap

Exactly. The MDL will be approved some time in the next couple of months. I expect it to be headed up by many of the same law firms leading the MDL in Illinois.

100% agree…Biden made a stupid Biden esque comment about “mind reading skills” yesterday…

They’ve known this was coming. That’s why I posted that timeline above they’ve known we could have shortages since At least September…

Now let’s look ahead…we could be well on our way to food shortages for all of us by the end of the year. We know the prospect is there right now? Has our in incompetent administration taken any logical first steps yet? Any preventative measures…a meeting with farmers and ranchers and fertilizer providers…anything?

If we run out if food in November unless someone has created a star trek style food synthesizing thingy-ma-jig you can’t just restock in December…

The problem with Biden isn’t just that he’s incompetent, senile, and the big guy in a thoroughly corrupt family…it’s that he wouldn’t know a solution to a problem if it walked up behind him and bit him on the ass.


So use government spending and then have you complain about it

All that is true but the bigger problem IMO is “who the hell” is running the country right now, it’s certainly not senile Biden himself, it’s unelected, unethical, corrupt handlers either part of the Biden, Clinton or Obama crime families or the corrupt elected D&R;s in the DC swamp.

It’s like the 2020 electorate threw the country into the toilet and Biden’s handlers are flushing it into the sewer as fast as they can.


Modern day GOP.


Want to quote where anyone has said they want to take it away?

They are just noting the inequity going on.

You and the others saying that can take that ■■■■■■■■ made up claim and fill in the blank.

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You have a weird definition of “free”.

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There’s no “inequity” here - that’s not what the word means.

The US government has an obligation - both moral and legal - to provide for the safety of those in their custody.


I’m aware that taxes exist.

So they are in custody or being released?

You guys cant decide.

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How much is enough for your socialist utopia?


Utopia wouldn’t be where childcare is guaranteed, it would just be a society that appears to give a ■■■■ about its children.

What are you talking about?

Ursula is a detention center. It’s the “kids in cages” place.


Exactly what did she say that was inaccurate? The Congresswomen (or in lib speak is that Congress birthing person?) has s 9 month old baby. She would understand as well as anyone what a mess this is.

You lefties don’t get how sick and tired people are becoming if this nonsense.


Oh nothing. Keep on keeping on my friend.

Not true. It is cheaper to stay home than pay child care off of a $10 hour job.


At the expense of the safety of US ctitizens?

They are “society’s children”? Are we co-parenting?

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