Ayn Rand and a Moral Basis for Being a Sociopath

Completely wrong.

lol - It’s a little bit hilarious that after the seemingly all for nothing definitions you posted, you go on to explain that you have no empathy for sociopaths and are clearly confusing them for what is meant by society. :rofl:

Of course there is.

You’re going to pay more gas taxes if you use 200 gallons a month than I do if I use 50 gallons a month. The same rule (the rate) applies.

If you make $100,000 a year, you’re going to pay more in taxes than if I make $90,000 a year. The same rule (the rate structure) applies.

The idea that it’s unequal if you’re in a different marginal rate class is ridiculous. If we both made $250,000, we’d be taxed the same. The same rate structure applies to either of us. It’s not unequal that you get taxed at a different rate on a higher portion of income. We get taxed the same exact amount on the same portion of income. We are taxed equally on the equal portions of income.

That is an astounding bit of Liberalanity logic. Congratulations.

I have empathy for sociopaths. I have no empathy for illegal aliens.

At what point are we paying unequal amounts of taxes for the same taxable amount (whether it’s gas, property or income)?

The tax on a gallon of gas does not change depending on how much you buy. 20 cents a gallon is 20 cents a gallon. It is not progressive, it is flat.

The tax on income does change depending on how much income I have. 0% at one level. 30% at another. It is progressive. And therefore unequal.

The 16th Amendment is an abomination.

You are paying an unequal income tax rate per unit.

We are paying the same tax rate per unit at the pump.

Taxes are in rates, not totals.

Yeah sociopaths are awesome. Have had to avoid my brother I raised for a decade and avoided my father for the last fifteen years of his life because they’re textbook APD and people who lack empathy will destroy you and not even care, over nothing.

Then the government is sociopathic.

I knew a Sociopath that murdered a girl he got pregnant because he didn’t want to be hooked up with her for life. He is in prison for 70 years

Assign whatever human qualities you want to a power structure. Sociopaths are not misunderstood. They are not unfairly defined by society. They are not practical people or even low empathy. They are monsters.

Sociopaths are serial killers and rapists. A sociopath will poison their infant sibling because they’re jealous of the attention. A sociopath is capable of beating their mother to death with a tire iron over an ice cream. They feel nothing for other people, not their family, not their friends, no one except themselves.

Its really not a fun or joking topic. Odd at best. BeBest

So would you say that a moral philosophy that is centered on the gratification of the self would be attractive to them?

Yeah you get a real sense of what “superficial charm” really means when one steals the story of your life as their cover story because they don’t have any relatable human qualities.

No I’m not when you compare the same units. Let’s say there are two rates: 10% for 0 - 100,000, 20% for 100,000+.

If I make 100,000 and you make 150,000, we are both taxed the same exact amount on our first 100,000. Same. Exact. Amount. $10,000. 10%. You are taxed an additional $10,000 on the remaining 50,000. But you can’t compare that to the taxes I pay because then you aren’t comparing apples to apples.

I’m not sure how much they’re even capable of thinking on a macro level like that, but they’d definitely superficially adopt it.

Like government.

No, it’s not the same exact amount. I am taxed on the whole $150k at the higher rate.

And this doesn’t address your absurd claim about excise (gasoline).

Do you assign human qualities to society?