Axios Poll: Half of Americans (including 42% of Democrats) want mass deportations of illegals

Axios does some pretty reliable research, but usually stick t mining economic data.
This is the first I have noticed them commissioning a Harris Poll

Methodology: The findings in this Axios Vibes survey by The Harris Poll are based on a nationally representative sample of 6,251 U.S. adults conducted online, March 29-31; April 5-7; and April 12-14, 2024.

The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the data for this population is accurate to within +/- 1.5 percentage points using a 95% confidence level.

Everyone let it whose asylum claim is not legally valid (over 90%) after their case is finally adjudicated, by law should be deported. Find all these people get their cases adjudicated and say bye bye!


There are two major scenarios

If they came over the Mexican Border
And they can show Mexico was violating their rights:
then we should sanction Mexico, shut off trade, ban Mexican imports, impound Mexican bank accounts here, heavily fine any employer who illegally employs Mexican labor, and kick Mexico out of every international body we can.

If they came over the Mexican Border
And they CANNOT show Mexico was violating their rights:
They are criminals. They should be locked up, their kids should be sent home immediately. They should be deported upon release. (Plus we should heavily fine any employer who illegally employs illegal labor.)



That’s revolutionary enough to fit my tastes.

We will be called racists for it though. So got to be strong and withstand that.

Point is even if a judicial hearing determines they are legit asylum seekers, (belly laugh), that does not mean they have the right to walk through six different countries and come here and we have to keep them.

If they were not being oppressed in Mexico, they could have stayed there.
If Mexico is oppressing them, then we should treat Mexico as harshly as we treat other oppressive states.

Let the residents of Martha’s Vineyard do the deporting they have it down the best they had the island cleared off within 24 hours of them landing there.

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