Avenatti has outlived his 15min of fame

I guess you never heard the phrase… “Innocent until proven guilty”.

You didn’t apply that to Smollett.

I never claimed I was waiting for the evidence, like you did… It was obvious from the start it was a hoax, just like the Russian collusion… Anyone that thinks for themselves could see Smollett was lying from day 1.

That’s a fancy way of saying “innocent until proven guilty” only applies to Trump.

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Nope … the anti-Trump show. If Stormy had kept her mouth shut as she as paid to do, we would have never heard of Avenatti.

Listen to yourself.

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No … having his charges dropped created a whole new batch of talking points.

… some of them coming from Rahm Emanuel.

“Whitewash of Justice”

Well, he has so much invested in them …

I am. You should do the same.

There used to be a time in this country where paying off a porn star to keep quiet about an extra marital affair while running for President was considered a bad thing.

Now we are seeing the she should have kept her mouth shut argument.



I didn’t say it was good or bad. She had a contract; she violated it.

Used to be a time when paying off a porn star to hide an extra marital affair in order to be President was a bad thing.

Now it is about a contractual obligation.

Just bonkers.

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There used to be a time in this Forum when you didn’t repeat yourself hoping that it would change the outcome.

You know the real morally disgusting thing about the Trump porn star thing?

Breaking a non disclosure agreement.

Morally reprehensible.

No … legally reprehensible. How people conduct their personal lives doesn’t enter into it.

It certainly is the most reprehensible thing about this story.

For shame… a porn star broke a contract.

I know that the President has never welched on a contract.

He was not the President when he didled the porn star or when she broke the contract.

He was wanting to be President when he directed his lawyer to draw up a NDS and paid her off using a Delaware LLC that directed money that the soon to be President’s lawyer put up on his own. Later the President hid repayments to his lawyer to cover up this fact including personally writing a check from the company that he formally turned over to his children to run, yet did not divest himself from, as to not have any appearance of a conflict of interest while serving the public as President.

But the morally reprehensible thing is that a porn star broke a contract.

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Wonder if Colin Kaepernick becoming the face of Nike was part of Avenatti’s extortion scheme?

No … breaking a contract is a legal issue, not a moral one.