The Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot during a public meeting in a mountainous central district of the country, a witness speaks of his head and chest having “bloody injuries”… . . the suspected gunman, which mainstream Slovak media reports is a 71 year old man from Levice, a historic town 50 miles to the south of where the attack took place. Denník N reports the alleged attacker is a poet and “member of the leftist Rainbow Literary Club” . . . Konzervatívny denník Postoj (‘The Conservative Daily Post’) claims to be able to name the suspect as Slovakian author, poet, and activist Juraj Cintula. According to the publication he has published three collections of poetry and is a member of the Association of Slovak writers. He has publicly expressed himself against violence, and eight years ago said he was founding an organisation called Left Against Violence.
Fico was elected in 2023 and has been a critic of EU policies with the war in Ukraine and with immigration, which as earned him intense criticism from officials in Brussels and from mainstream media in general. Defending democracy and freedom has come to mean overriding election results and ignoring national sovereignty when results go “the wrong way”. Here is a recent example from Politico:
Fico is “trying to create a mafia state … where the primary goal is to keep the pyramid of power functioning,” Michal Vašečka, a political analyst at the Bratislava Policy Institute said. . .European Parliament Vice President Martin Hojsík (PS) believes that the Commission will treat the situation in Slovakia seriously. “The Commission is way more inclined to not repeat the mistakes that happened in Hungary about a situation that was tolerated for way too long and Orbán was allowed to escalate,” he said. Slovakia, the EU’s next rule of law headache – POLITICO
From what I see, the attack appears to be similar to the 2017 Scalise shooting that targeted the baseball team of Congressional Republicans. The attacker, James Hodgkinson, was a Bernie supporter who was radicalized by mainstream media reports of the Russia-collusion hoax. It took years for the FBI to finally admit that the assassination attempt was domestic terrorism.
Is the attack on PM Fico another example of violence from a terrorist radicalized by mainstream media?
Deputy Prime Minister Tomas Taraba has told the BBC he “is not in a life-threatening situation at this moment.”
“Fortunately, as far as I know, the operation went well – and I guess in the end he will survive,” the statement indicated.
Meanwhile, UK Sky News said that the shooting was “not surprising” since Fico was “divisive” and “pro-Russian”. Is that a tacit declaration of “open season” on any politician who puts the interests of his own people above those of the elites who run things in Brussels?
The same people who run Washington run Brussels. The EU has become little more than system for enforcing dictates from DC.
The core principles of EU politics are endless wars to enforce western (= DC) hegemony and support for mass immigration into Europe of people fleeing the wars. Anyone who opposes these policies must be suppressed and/or eliminated as a “threat to democracy”. That is true even when the vast majority of European voters agree with a change in policy.
Fico was a member of the Communist Party when Slovakia was part of Czechoslovakia. His party is left-of-center, but he has a close relationship Victor Orban in neighboring Hungary who is characterized as “far right”. The “crime” of both leaders is that they have put interests of their own citizens above those of the oligarchs who run things in DC and Brussels.
The same people who are violently opposed to Fico and Orban are also opposed to any change away from the uniparty politics that dominate the US. The assassination attempt in Slovakia is not an isolated event.
According to your link, Slovakia is allowing arms exports to Kyiv. That is not the same as spending hundreds of millions on military aid.
Brussels has been withholding tens of billions in Euros that should go to Hungary. I assume that Slovakia is facing similar threats, and Slovakia is a much smaller country.
If you really believe that, then Brussels should be sending aid to Fico instead of plotting ways to remove him from office and sanction Slovakia.
The election of Fico’s ally as President of Slovakia shows that Brussels needs to increase pressure on the country. Slovak voters are a threat to democracy!
Good news: PM Fico continues to recover.
Meanwhile, the Slovak authorities are investigating that possibility that others were involved in the assassination attempt:
A potential broader assassination plot is supported by the fact that the assailant’s social media communications were erased by another person about two hours after the shooting, Interior Minister Matus Sutaj-Estok told reporters on Sunday.
Based on that development, “we added a version that it wasn’t only a lone-wolf attacker, but that the crime may have been conducted by a certain group of people,” he said, declining to give more details due to the sensitive nature of the case. Slovaks Probe Possible Broader Plot Behind Premier’s Shooting
Does “western hegemony” mean bullying leaders of nations like Slovakia and Georgia into submission?
“The threat aired during a phone call with a European Commissioner was astonishing,” he wrote. “In my conversation, the European Commissioner listed a number of measures Western politicians can take after [Georgia passes] the transparency law and, while listing these measures,[the Commissioner] said ‘look what happened to Fico, you should be very careful.'” EU commissioner denies he threatened Georgia’s prime minister – POLITICO
Georgia and Slovakia have moved to regulate foreign NGOs under foreign-agent laws similar to those that exist in the US. That has provoked a total freak out in Brussels and Washington.
In the 1980s the US switched from using covert operations to mainly using NGOs funded by the US government and its allies for subversion and regime-change operations overseas. The basic idea is to use NGOs to buy out local media, political, and justice systems so that they align with interests of Washington instead of those of the local people. Of course the NGOs are doing these things in the name of promoting “democracy and freedom”.
Yes, the US and EU send hundreds of billions of euros for Ukraine, while the EU withholds tens of billions of euros from Hungary.
Both actions are being done in the name of defending democracy and freedom.
Based on EU policy, true democracy and freedom requires cancelling elections, banning opposition parties, censorship of dissent, and allowing neo-Nazis to dominate the secret police in support of dictates from Washington.
If only Fico would follow Zelensky’s lead, everything would be forgiven.
Information from Cintula’s Facebook account that may indicate his contacts and motives was apparently wiped shortly after the shooting but before the alleged shooter’s identity was publicly revealed. That information is reportedly under the control the FBI. Does that mean it will take 60 years or more to get the full story?
While it is customary for the social network to purge the profiles of “dangerous individuals” – a fate this journalist has suffered for investigative reporting – following such incidents, in Bratislava Facebook relies on cooperating local individuals and organizations to police content. Apparently, Cintula’s profile was wiped before his identity had been reported in local media. Slovak authorities must now rely on the FBI to secure and provide the deleted information. Whether whatever is turned over will be unexpurgated is an open question. Robert Fico’s failed assassination raises specter of Western plotting - The Grayzone