As things get crazier which is now more surprising?

Average cost of a funeral in this country is ~7k depending on the state. This is a good idea.

Soylent Corn, with that mmmm mmm good taste that Californians have come to love.

Human remains means the person is already dead.

What do they care what you do with their remains?

Wasn’t Soylent Green made from the flesh of dead people vs normal crops grown in fertilizer enriched by dead people?

I wonder if I can demand fallenturtliezer is only used on non-organic crops?

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You do know many religions have rules on the handling of corpses, right?

While I personally am a burn me, stick me on the shelf and dust me off occasionally type, I’m not so sure I want to be fertilizer. I doubt my kids would do it either.

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Aside: I hope Kelly Bundy is NOT your neighbor, they had this accident with Al’s grill ashes you see, and things got weirder after that.

Darn editing issues…

And no one’s saying you have to.

I couldn’t care less. Don’t spend any money on me when dead. Harvest my organs and let students cut me up in med school.

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Right, it’s not like the CA legislature has a strong authoritarian streak and a tendency towards mandating their whims.

That might be true, but I have a feeling mandating the use of corpses in compost is a step too far even for them…

Precisely. Do with my body what you wish.

I’m either on some other plane of existence or in oblivion. I won’t care one way or the other.

I can see planting a tree over remains. Using them as compost for agriculture seems like a bad idea from a health of the consumer standpoint. Isn’t this kind of how mad cow started in Europe? Cows eating cow brains.

Perhaps…depends on how it’s done.

Well i guess today is that kind of day - If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie wipe the seatie!

When I wear light colored pants, I will sit to pee.

Those of you who are a tad older will understand because…you can jump and you can dance, but that last drop just hit your pants.


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17 days later

Ye i realized afterwards.

We used to walk to this scary place called Charkh in Logar Province. On the way, we would pass through a fairly vast apple orchard. When they were in season, we would grab one on the go for a snack, and they were some of the sweetest, crispiest apples I ever had.

After our first buddy killed himself stateside in 2017, I took a portion of his ashes home and planted them with an apple tree. It bore its first dozen or so honeycrisp apples this year, and they ended up being some of the sweetest, crispiest apples I ever had.

I too hope to continue feeding people long after I die. It’s one of my deeper passions in life after all. These 200-some-odd pounds of macros and micros are nothing without their host. It means absolutely nothing to me when I leave for good, so why waste space with it? Make it something useful.