Articles of Impeachment to be Brought Against cackles camela

I’ve heard mark levin say for a year or two that this is what mumbles should be impeached for.

Oh well

What an idiot.

Interesting timing with a new caravan on the way.

Will they let this caravan through and call everyone opposed “xenophobes and racists”, or will they stop it and tell us all how their border plan is working??

Time will tell.

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If this is for real, what a ■■■■■■■ idiot.

Literally the only real power the Vice President has is to break ties in the Senate. Beyond that, really just a figurehead.


Really it’s just there to ensure easy continuity of government if the president gets caught in a nuclear explosion.

Or gets taken out by covid.

I hope the impeachment circus never ends for her

Time to play by their rules


Impeach her for what? Having the most talented throat in Government? :rofl:


i didnt know she could sing….

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Oh my… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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I don’t know about “talented”, but it sure is wrinkly.

That’s what’s commonly know as Lovelace syndrome.

How will this end?

…her laughing. Can you hear her right now? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

I can hear it every time I see that skank avatar behind a ditzy post. :wink:


That’s one approach. Good for the goose, and all that.

But to be blunt, I have impeachment-fatigue. Investigation-fatigue. Commission-fatigue.

I just wish our government could get back to the job of actual governing. It would start by people doing the actual job each was elected for. With integrity. With the best interest of the country at heart.

Problem is, I don’t see any of that happening any time soon. Maybe not even withing my remaining lifetime.


they are only in govt to enrich themselves

very few exceptions.

Her taking office right now would be a disaster for her reelection bid. They dont want her facing political decisions till shes secured four more years.

I didn’t think they would actually do this. The GOP is not playing around.

Perhaps things will now be a level playing field with both candidates having been impeached.

I think Rep. Ogles might have some foresight. I’m starting to think that there’s a good chance that Biden will step down tonight, making Harris president.

But she isn’t competent. I can’t name one accomplishment of hers that she’s done. And Ogles saw that too, and filed articles of impeachment.

Therefore, it’s already in motion that she’ll be impeached as soon as she succeeds Biden.

I wish I was this innocent.