Are you left wing or right wing?

Mqybe, but that doesn’t why they get to use the Constitution or the flag and how it came to be.

The Chinese one. Did you really need to ask?

Well, I think that those three characteristics are fixtures of the right, in a general sense, but not the left.

Some things are sacred to the right that aren’t to the left. Religions need an abundance of symbols, too.

Symbols are great for team-building.

I have NO affiliation to either the radical left or the radical right both of which, in my humble opinion, are different sides of the same stinking rotten coin. As i said just my opinion. I have seen and been sickened by the cult of Obama and now the cult of Trump

Same thing happened in 08 with McCain lost. They tea party was suppose to be some big grass roots movement towards true economic conservative and it got paid for by Koch brothers who turned it into a corporate tool. And all GOP sheep lined up for 8 years to follow them cause they had a black man to demonize.

And now with election of Trump we see that GOP never where economic conservatives just social ones who want to be racist and bigoted against any minority even at the expense of letting the swap corporate donors get everything the want hurting avg Americans. As long as can limits rights of people it ok as long as they are not white people.

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That was correct for 2017, however in 2018 total FEDERAL employment has increased.

So you are half right. Half wrong.

See for pertainent information about total federal employment.


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The Tea Party was made up almost entirely of one group of people: Republicans and conservatives who voted for George Bush twice and didn’t want to be held accountable for it, politically. They don’t get to burn their uniforms and rebrand their ■■■■■■■■ this time. No way.

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Wow seems he has filled the swamp up again. what say you @altair1013

The swamp was partially drained when he reduced the size and tyranny of the EPA. It will also drop a little more now that the FBI will have a little transparency. What we find out about the Mueller investigation my embarrass a few dems.

The left does not have any anarchists. Anarchist believe in no ruling authority. The left believes in authoritarian government. They are polar opposites. The chicken ■■■■ cowards wearing masks and breaking windows are not anarchists. They are leftists.

Whilst i agree with you about Muller i think you are deluded regards the FBI and as we speak the swamp gets deeper different content but deeper none the less

Because that would hurt somebodies feelings and I am the sensitive type.

The constitution is designed to be amended when necessary. That is except for the bill of rights.

Oh, the Bill of Rights can be amended, too.

Don’t count on it. They call them the bill of rights for a reason. They have been untouched for well over 200 years. Not gonna happen.

Lots of things in the Constitution haven’t been touched in over 200 years. I was simply saying that the Bill of Rights can be amended, that’s all.

Fair enough.

They have many, many kinds of anarchists. Everything you thought you knew is wrong.

They are anarchists and they are left-wing. Most leftists will even insist “left-wing anarchist” is redundant.




a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.