Are you guys really OK with this?

Hey you almost went one sentence before contradicting yourself.


That post is problematic. And hypocritical.

Correct. He was even more certain in its inevitability.

Holy crap.

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Are you OK with his tweet?

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But lost popular votes in 30 out of 50 states.

But he added “I don’t want to be held to that” because the pandemic is “such a moving target.”

Prove it.

I expected no less. Par for the course, isn’t it?

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Huh! What do you know!

What is it you like about his statement?

You forgot the part directly before that.

…and China could have prevented it all? Does that upset you?

Is it? Strange.

Do think talking about ratings at a time this is a good thing?

Justice reform.

Yes. The systemic failure across the board upsets me. From China & WHO to CDC and Trump

Good order.

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Do you think the press wasting precious time regarding labeling it accurately as the Wuhan virus is a good thing?

Are you saying that bragging about ratings at time like this is necessary?