Are you a Bloomburger?

No no, let’s all indulge in the harmless frivolity of cute nicknames and insults for the political opposition, be it single public figures or groups. After all, our POTUS has done it from the moment he descended his golden escalator of privilege. What better example for the Common Man to follow?

You did. It’s in the video.

He should shut his cake hole.

It’s just locker room talk! Why can’t libs take a joke?

Deplorable comment, should have ended his run.

Whatabout/so what/LIIIIIBZ

Libs is indeed the answer you seek.

And therefore HE SAID IT.

The cause of all civilization’s ills, government’s inefficiency, and Donald’s corruption.

The cause of tolerating Trump.

If Pete loses, do you think he’ll hold a Butti-grudge? :smirk:

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Dad joke.


I am the champion of lame jokes. :trophy:

I want a Pete/Mike ticket so we can call them “ButtBloom!”

HAR HAR because it has the word “butt” and that guy’s gay! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



If you forgot, then your memory is poor. :woozy_face:

Ouch. Tell us how you really feel.

For the Biden crowd. I like Bidenistas. Do you approve?

Sure go for it.