Are whites-only classes a good thing?

now picture everyone did what the tiller did because of 100 + years of social normality that white people were second class citizen more akin to dogs then humans…

now picture that white people are the mintory and that you are institutional oppressed, you can’t eat were you want, you can’t stay were you want, you can’t do the job that you want because society views you as a violent thug.

now think that you say ■■■■ that and you eat at that dinner you always wanted too and the police beat you and have their dogs bite you the whole time the crowd of people in the dinner are cheering and praising the police for treating you like a animal.

Simply because Congress passes a law telling American that black people are equal citizen doesn’t magically erase 150 + years of American society preaching that they are not.

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Here is the thing. Some on left call my philosophy racist…but irony of it I got that from black tile setter whom I’ve known for 2 decades or so. :rofl:

Sadly I’ve seen real racism. He gave a bid on job which we accepted. When it was time for him to do the work guess what? The home owner didn’t want him in his house…he wanted another tile installer.

And this guy was flaming lib in Seattle.

And I’m not making that up…he also destroyed my kitchen…well his kitchen. I’ve posted this picture on old forum. It was suppose to be stain green cabinets on base and nature cherry on uppers.

And James was suppose to do the tile work. As it was the home owner spent something like 5 grand more.

Keep in mind there was also baths, master etc that had to be done.lots of tile.

Republican don’t have an exclusive hold on racism, racism is a societal issue.


Well if the characterization of your friends reason is correct then your friend definitely has some racists attitudes toward black people, thinking that he needs to teach them responsibility. And that he needs to teach them a work ethic… Unless that gem is all yours?

But from an affirmative action standpoint It’s still great and glad he’s doing it.

Even if he is just a moron that is doing it because he thinks he’s better than the blackies he’s hiring and that he needs to teach them to be good people.

Unless he’s hiring kids out of juvie or adults out of prison, then I’ll cut him some slack on the racists sounding remarks.

So no matter what he does he’s a racist?

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“Racism” isn’t inherently bad.
when Racism is used as a tool to socially and institutional oppresses other people it is.

Who is it that thinks minorities are incapable of getting ID in order to vote, again?

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James was black.


Oh snap! 10 ch

who has suggested the minorities are incapable of racism, minorities are more racist then the majority but they lack the power to oppress

lol - You agree with him that black men don’t have responsibility or work ethic and need to be taught that by a white man?

That didn’t sound just a wee bit racist to you at all, did it? Things that make you say hmmmm…

You can’t make this ■■■■ up.

And they want us to believe we are the racist ones.

Prime example what indoctrination does to people.


You seem to think the issue is a single person saying “I don’t like Black people”
when the issue is society viewing black people as violent thugs.

It was his reasoning.

Yeah my first reaction is same as everyone else because society told me to think that way.

But everything isn’t black and white…no pun intended.

Racism is a DA in Texas throwing out a rape case because she doesn’t think a jury will convict a 20 something “Handsome” white kid.

Racism is letting Roger Stone out on a promise that he will pay his bail money if he doesn’t show up to court and keeping someone in jail for stealing a t-shirt.

Minorities tend to be more racist because oppression unite people under their race, for 200 + years black people have been publicly demonized its ingrained in society still to this day.

simply because Congress passes a law telling American that everyone is equal doesn’t change the social narrative.

Racism exist, get over it. But not everything is racism.

That’s not hard concept to understand IMO.,but again maybe it is.

That word gets tossed around way too easily and frequently these days without any consequences when it turns out to be false. I have been called racist just for voting republican, as well as wanting less illegal immigration.

When one is called a racist that person has to scramble for damage control to prove they are not racist, whereas the person who makes the accusation doesn’t receive the same condemnation, they get no push back and just go on to the next person they don’t agree with to label them as racist.


Care to show me where I was pissed? I was just asking why it was ok for an all-black crew but not an all-white crew.

So the black guy has racist attitudes about the black guys he’s hiring? :rofl:

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