Are the squirrels running the nuthouse in California?

FM radio news. With an interview.

Thanks for that well-substantiated analysis.

You’re welcome!

I remember when the president said this:

And I remember that the President of Finland said that he never told Trump that.
And I remember when it was discovered that a large portion of that forest fire was under national control.
Any changes at the national level?

Hypocrisy for what? People are commenting on an internal matter that has no national effect. But hey, take your cheap shot.

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No national effect? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

How is there hypocrisy?

You’re smart, think about it.

You might as well as used emoji’s for that non-substance answer.

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I have to wonder if the technology does not exist to run the majority of power lines underground?

Banning natural gas connections is crazy. When the electrical grid goes out people need to be able to power a generator. Are LP generators banned?

Here in Florida, when I look at new home construction plans, whole house generators are the norm. Makes sense when a natural disaster hits and you are without power for weeks at a time. Homes are no longer constructed for air flow and natural cooling/convection.

I read quite a bit last year about forestry policies. Cleaning the forests is a win win as it prevents fires AND is a source of income.

Your thinking has no substance? Ok then. You guys criticize fly over country all the time. Mock everything Texas does. But we don’t live in California so we don’t understand. Do you see it now? Helen Keller can.

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I think this particular point is an area where Democrats and their more extreme environmentalist base/supporters clearly are at fault.

For years, environmentalists stood in the way of preventive burns in the Yellowstone area, until the inevitable natural disaster fire occurred and the environmentalists, at high cost, were proved wrong.

No broad brushing by me here, just a statement putting SPECIFIC responsibility where it belongs.

I am not speaking to the broader picture in California, but in specific areas, Democrat environmentalists are clearly a fault factor.

There are no doubt other fault factors that are not attributable to Democrats or their supporters.

Reports are here in California it was PG&E incompetence. Given their history over the past few years, I believe it. They shut off power in areas where fires weren’t happening but they thought would. And some huge areas, too. That’s incompetence in my book.

That is not the case any longer. We do control burns here, in national parks when needed. I drove through Yosemite a few years back, and that is exactly what they were doing.

It looks like they have leaned that fire is a natural occurring event in nature, and now do it to try to minimize the large out of control fires.

But, nature will still do what it wants, even with our best efforts.

The moral here is don’t criticize what you don’t understand.

Changes in forestry management that have allow large amounts of fuel to accumulate are ignored.

This is the problem, they hired stupid people to run things!

What exact changes? Link please. Thanks.

I agree with you.

They now have the black outs which are causing all kinds of problems as well.

And all of this could be avoided by putting politics and ideals aside, listening to the science and properly managing the forests.

It blows my mind that forest management used to make that state money. Now look at how far backwards they’ve gone. What a shame.

I’d have to ask where they got their information and just how hard is it to predict winds?

Can power lines not be run underground?

Here in Florida, we are moving towards that. Has this not been a discussion in CA as part of a preventative solution?

The law passed in June requires utilities to make improvements to existing electrical infrastructure to make it more resilient and reliable during and after storms, particularly by moving outage-prone portions underground. It also requires public utilities to submit a 10-year plan for storm hardening.

That’s absolutely right!

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