Are the press (media) the enemy of the people. Trump Thinks so. What say you?

It’s cute when you rhyme things!

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If they mislead there viewers, of course they’re the enemy.

So how should “the enemy” be dealt with?

They should be held accountable for misleading the public, you don’t walk in to a theater and scream fire.

what should the punishment be?

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He says and does dumb things. The media report on it. Ergo they are the enemy of him. He’s a person and is the only one he cares about. So yes, they’re the enemy of the people.

How should they be held accountable?

That’s pretty much the cliff notes version.

Cabinet positions in the White House?

What I see are journalists misleading their viewers for political gain.

those are reserves to the ones who have membership at Mar a Lago though

I would use the term pundits, but I agree (not the way you probably want me to) with you. What should be done with them?

I’m not a Lawyer, but a group of people apparently attempted a coup and if journalists are involved I hope they are charged with treason.

I’m not a lawyer, but TREASON!


What would you suggest is holding accountable.

That will probably be it.

like a typical Trumpist…can never quite manage to finish anything

so your not a lawyer but your suggesting we hang journalist for treason.

I know he is just a troll but he saying what everyone is to scared too say.

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