Are Ryan and McConnell Co-conspirators with Brennan?

Brennan here is talking about Trump’s insistence on finding out what converted these Russian rumors into real investigations that have consumed the nation for nearly two years. Brennan does not want Ryan and McConnell to support finding out how this all began. Likely reason Brennan is so panicked…much of it will come back on him and his pal Clapper. It was Brennan who sent his “analysis” to the FBI on this subject early on…and then disclaimed responsibility by saying he didn’t “do evidence” (which is an odd way to start an investigation…based on non evidence).
If it is found that these “analyses” were done for personal or political purposes, then these would be at the least an abuse of power…one of the impeachment articles against Nixon.

Brennan and Clapper belong in jail, with the whole lot of them including Obama. Had Hillary won, the Republic would have been finished. Just like third world nations, the ruling power would weaponize everything to remain in power.