Are Democrats starting to panic about old Hollow Joe?

I agree. This time around Bernie put his support behind Joe. In 2016, he didn’t support Hillary, and I think that hurt Hillary. Watching the 2016 convention, you could tell as Hillary “thanked” Bernie, Bernie did not look happy at all. And folks in the convention were chanting Bernie’s name.

This is one of those persistent myths.

Sanders campaigned for Clinton in 2016.

The election of 2016 was a perfect storm for Trump to win.

Really? I don’t remember him really endorsing her.
But I take your word.

Yeah. Here is from Nov 2016

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See above

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That’s not the NYT. That’s an op-ed. Do you know the difference?

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The NYT op ed page is hot garbage.

Agreed. The NYT as a whole is as well in my opinion. But in particular the op-ed page.

But opinions are facts if that’s the only source you can find.
Its like when someone says “Some people are saying…” It’s all opinion.

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No panic at all! Looking forward to the debates!

Should be a good one!



Yes, it’s the Democrats panicking.

Because things are going so great under Trump’s presidency. :roll_eyes:


I don’t think the leftist push to skip debates is about Joe that much. I believe its just an extension of the cancel culture. They do not want leftist ideas put under scrutiny, pushing to not debate is just a way of avoiding that scrutiny. They do not want to talk about ideas, they know thats a loser for them. Just an extension of cancel culture… do not engage in debate, silence the right and hide the policies behind cheap talking points that reveal nothing. The only thing this has to do with Joe, is they don’t trust him to be able to stick to the script.

Well, that’s nothing but hot deluded reverie. Biden has already agreed to the debates, The Donald still has not said he will do them.

He’s scared.



There is no leftist push to skip debates.

except of course that he has. he’s trying to get the first one moved up so they can debate before early voting starts.

but you go on with your narrative. The masters have gone through great difficulty to supply it to you.

yeah, its only leftist press and liberal political hacks suggesting it. no push at all.

Which leftest press?

the links to the times and cnn are already in the thread. i cannot make you see what you have willfully blinded yourself to.

So Stepien pretending The Donald wants to debate earlier, setting up an excuse to not vote at all.

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LMAO - Trump gives back to back interviews where he came across as a lost old man who couldn’t keep his thoughts straight, Rambled incoherently, and stumbled when confronted with facts ("What manuals? What books?)
Biden is now further ahead in the polls then Hillary every was and even if every state poll was off by twice the margin it was off in 2016, Biden wins,
but you think the DEMS are starting to panic??


Sometimes i wonder if you all believe this yourself.