Applying leftist logic to their own rants

I think that there are a lot of similarities between Trump and Harry Truman. Both were willing to use simple, direct, and sometimes crude language to get their point across. Both won their election based on blue collar voters in the Midwest and South. Both have bypassed a hostile media based in big cities; Truman did with a train tour with local press coverage; Trump has done it with tweets and mass rallies. Neither got the support of the New York Times.

A difference today is that the media has become so dominated by the extreme left that it makes no attempt to attempt to understand Trump or Trump supporters:

The language of Trump and Truman is not the same as mindless use of profanity, which De Niro put on display. Actually the fact that De Niro and so many on the left have adopt this profanity as a their catch phrase shows their total disgust that the Trump economy is booming and his support keeps increasing despite all their rants.


No you haven’t.

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Please name the names of those thus assuring you, with citations confirming your claim.


Hey, alternative facts don’t need no basis in fact.


Actors. They read scripts, pretend to be people that arn’t, and are constantly trying to get their face in front of your eyes.

No wonder they do so well with Democrats.


Yep if it was up to republican’s there would be no play’s, movies, stories.

Or maybe actors would just be entertainers.

So when you become an actor you give up your right to free speech?

If you are listening to actors for political commentary, you have given up your right to respect.

Why would a sane and rational person vote for “fat Donald” as you put it? Because he wasn’t fat and disgusting Hillary, thats why!!! Liberal civility back at you!!

You can see from the responses liberal leftists have no logic, its against their religion of…LIBERALISM!!

I was civil.

You weren"t.

I.E. “fat and disgusting”

Donald is fat.

It is in his medical record from his recent physical.

I never called him “disgusting”.


Dude. You can’t claim that something is an insane rant then reply with an even crazier rant. Didn’t your mam ever tell you not to reply while you are angry?

How about if you voted for a reality show “celebrity” for President?

In case you don’t know, that’s a quote from an Adam Sandler movie. Funny scene.

The you are forgiven. He can be pretty funny.:grin:

Ok Pumpkin… you got me. Jesus loves you.

Here is my reply Mx. Bill:

What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

What I just wrote is original and unexpurgated. I did not copy it verbatim off MSDNC nor did I transcribe it directly from Radio mobulis re-broadcasting MSDNC from his planet Pluton in the Hemorrhoid Nebula. I made it all up myself.

Good grief you’re bad at this.