Apparent Disney policy: Zero tolerance for mental illness

He’ll be here soon to argue the minutiae of each and every one of Trump’s tweets and will try to convince you that not a single word Trump has ever said since being president (since nothing he did before assuming office counts) fits any of those categories. And then another Trump supporter will come along and agree with him, and tell you how libs deserve it and it’s just his style.

They could always just pull a Becky or a Darron. :slight_smile:

Yeah… Nothing wrong with a little racism in the country being acceptable. We just can’t let it get out of hand, ya know?

not sure ( :roll_eyes: ) but I dont think Trump works for Disney.

Lol. Every trump supporter needs to be a victim. Of something.

If Roseanne had said something even just a whisper against trump, the horde would be here ripping her to shreds. You guys are creepy.


There have been many wrongs committed much worse and I’m confident you said nothing. This is political, it’s not just.

shes somewhat of an ass half the time and a complete ass the rest of the time. I only count two personalities.

There’s a big space in between the two where I’m sure you’d like her. :sunglasses:

Do you honestly think ABC wouldn’t have fired Roseanne for her racism if she was a Hillary supporter?

Not a chance.

Barr’s firing was about money. ABC knew they would face a huge loss in advertising revenue if they continued with her show, so they cut her lose. Nothing more, nothing less. Trying to read more into this is simply mental masturbation.

I disagree. Roseanne became too much of a headache for ABC to tolerate, no matter who she voted for.

Maybe you should have qualified that post with “those who work for Disney,” because it sure didn’t read like that. The only qualifiers you used were “non-mentally-ill people,” and of course the pejorative du jore “libs.”

LMAO riiiiight she became “too much of a headache” only hours after the late night tweet.

Yes, she had become too much of a headache. Most of the country despises the racist filth she posted and ABC is a business.

Then why the double standard? Why is it okay for a Dem or liberal to say or do damn near anything and all they have to do is say ooops sorry and they are forgiven?

Do you not comprehend the fact that Disney is a private company in business to earn a profit?

I get what you’re saying. Different businesses are going to react differently based on who’s running them, and they often get it wrong. But in this case where there’s widespread agreement that what she posted was racist, I think most businesses would have cut ties with her.

Do you read the news, wait that’s not really a question.

What are you blithering about? ABC firing Barr was a business decision, not social commentary. Whatever TBS does with Bee will also be a business decision. Stop trying to make this more than it is.