AP: Argentina’s new president lays off 5,000 government employees hired in 2023

It’s a brief article so I’ll quote only one sentence here

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — The administration of Argentina’s new President Javier Milei said on Tuesday that his government won’t renew contracts for more than 5,000 employees hired this year before he took office.

We could use the same thing – times ten. For starters.


The leeches screech as they are removed from the victims. No sweeter sound

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They’re going to assassinate him.

don’t cry for me Argentina…

  1. BUENOS AIRES TIMES–Milei government intends to privatise Argentina’s railways

  2. AIRLINE GEEKS – Money-Losing Aerolíneas Argentinas Could Soon Be Employee-Owned

  3. REUTERS – Argentina’s new president wants to privatise public media
    One of the first promises that Javier Milei made after he was elected President was to privatise Argentina’s state-owned media outlets: Televisión Pública, Radio Nacional and Télam, a news agency.

  4. TELECOM PAPER-- “Argentinian president Javier Milei has issued a decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) that paves the way for the privatisation of state-owned entities such as satellite operator Arsat . . .”

  5. BUENOES AIRES HERALD – "Milei announced in the video include overturning Argentina’s current rental law . . . . Laws on purchasing and supply, which affect supermarket stocks, will also be axed

To be blunt, I don’t care much what Argentina does governmentally.

I care what the USA does.

I hope some posse of USA politicians would run with Argentina’s lead and start cutting government bureaucrats here. And start cutting bureaucracies, which would allow for having fewer bureaucrats. And start cutting laws and regulations, which would allow for having fewer bureaucracies.

And maybe states would then follow that lead.

And cities/counties/municipalities would follow the states’ leads.

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