AOC: Those Denying ‘Racism’ of Coronavirus ‘Have No Idea What it Really Is’

Originally published at: AOC: Those Denying ‘Racism’ of Coronavirus ‘Have No Idea What it Really Is’ | Sean Hannity

Controversial Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continued to comment on the “racist” impact of the Coronavirus Monday; saying the disease is mostly felt in “Black and Latino” communities across the country.

“To all the people that said ‘there’s no evidence racial disparities in COVID impact exist’. I represent the most impacted neighborhoods in the country: Corona & East Elmhurst. These are overwhelmingly Black & Latino neighborhoods. Louis Armstrong’s house is here,” posted AOC on social media.

To all the people that said “there’s no evidence racial disparities in COVID impact exist.” ⬇️⬇️⬇️

I represent the most impacted neighborhoods in the country: Corona & East Elmhurst.

These are overwhelmingly Black & Latino neighborhoods. Louis Armstrong’s house is here.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 4, 2020

I incl that last detail to illustrate that these are also HISTORICALLY Black communities, which means they have been impacted by racist policies like redlining for generations.

This pandemic is happening in CONTEXT. & a lot of folks who deny racism have no idea what it really is

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) April 4, 2020

“I incl that last detail to illustrate that these are also HISTORICALLY Black communities, which means they have been impacted by racist policies like redlining for generations. This pandemic is happening in CONTEXT. & a lot of folks who deny racism have no idea what it really is,” she added.