Anyone watching the debate?

He said he was going to MI to speak with the striking UAW members.

Weird place to go to find union members.

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He claims to have the stats to back it up.

Doesn’t matter to me, but the approach he articulated is, IMO the right one. If he followed through that’s good.

Good thing we backed out of the TPP, lessening our influence in Asia and opening the door for China there.

Yowza! That’s one heck of an admission.



What are you talking about?

Trump spoke at Drake Enterprises in Clinton Township, Michigan.

You said MI . My google search for “MI state” threw up as it’s top response,

"As a result, Mississippi was abbreviated as ‘‘Mi.’’ and Michigan was abbreviated as ‘‘Mic. T.’’

My bad for trusting the google AI and not reading the whole article.

A perfect example of why not to waste time on these clown shows.

The President was busy talking to actual working Americans while the Vice Presidential Hopefuls spent all night whining about Trump in front of their donors. :rofl:


As usual, it’s all about him.

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Funny comment from a trump supporter.


There was a debate?


Stats? To back up what? The Good Idea Fairy’s good idea?


He claimed to have made a positive difference in ND.

Lot of urban hole schools in ND?

Like I said, I don’t really care. I don’t live in his state, I don’t vote in the GOP primary.

the idea he articulated is the correct approach IMO.

What “approach”? mAkE AlL sChOol bEtTeR

Sounds like you aren’t gonna vote for the guy.

I don’t vote for platitudes

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“America has suffered because of slavery, but we’ve overcome that. We are the greatest nation on earth because we faced our demons in the mirror and made a decision…Black families survived slavery. We survived poll taxes and literacy tests. We survived discrimination being woven into the laws of our country…What was hard to survive was Johnson’s Great Society where they decided to … take the black father out of the household to get a check in the mail. And you can now measure that in unemployment, in crime, in devastation…”

“If you want to restore hope, you’ve got to restore the family.” - Senator Tim Scott

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