Anyone watching Severence?

Anyone watching Severence on Apple TV.? The show is about work and home life being separated

Biotechnology corporation Lumon Industries uses a medical procedure called “severance” to separate the memories of their employees depending spatially on whether they are at work or not. When a severed worker is at work, they are dubbed “innies” and can remember nothing of their lives or the world outside. When outside work, they are dubbed “outies” and cannot remember their time at work. Due to this innie and outie experience two different lives, with distinct personalities and agendas.

If you watched, what do you think?

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It’s an amazing show can’t wait for season 2.

I watched it a while ago so it’s not as fresh, but I loved it.

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Amazing show. Love the originality of it. Kind of slow the first few episodes but then picked up very quickly

I enjoyed season 1. My understanding is we won’t see season 2 for a while.

Same. I thought it was original and I agree it was slow at first, but so thought provoking. I thought they did a good job of separating the innies from the outies. I normally am not a fan of Patricia Arquette’s, but her voice cadence fit well with this character.

Thanks for the tip.

Wife is watching the ubs morning show with the gorgeous Jen Aniston. Didn’t seem too woke until Witherspoon character went lesbian.

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One of the last episodes has something very unexpected and super creepy to me. I’m not sure if it was required at this point, but we shall see.

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I don’t have Apple TV, but I find the concept fascinating. Good to see some original thinking.

How do they know where they work if they can’t remember? Or do they know where to go, but don’t remember what they did there until they walk in? I imagine it would be the same for leaving the building.

Through a surgical implant that works like a switch if within range. The outies remember basic things like they work there. It’s promoted as a new way to work by essentially never experiencing actually working.

No spoilers there, great show worthy of a free trial binge.

Bonus recommendation: Fargo (The series on FX/Hulu)

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Just watched the first episode of season 2 and really enjoyed it even though couldn’t really remember most of what’s happened in season 1 beforehand.

Looper Channel on YouTube has a great recap of Season 1.

Sounds like would play hell on someone calling from work looking for info.

Thanks. I also asked AI to give me a summary and after watching the first ep of season 2, i feel i’m mostly caught up.

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Some people dread going to work. I can see where this could help outies. But when they are at work, do they feel like their entire lives are spent at work? That can’t be pleasant.

Exactly, the innies have no concept of a life outside work, its eternal work. The whole concept is a complete mind ■■■■ and takes work life balance to an insane new level.

Its a form of corporate slavery and the way Helly’s dad refers to Innies in the S1 finale underscores the contempt he holds for the innies and the whole Lumon is family mantra is meaningless. Obviously a reflection on bug business who today try to convince their employees that they belong to a real family (which is bollocks).

You would be two totally different people. I’m going to try to find a way to watch this show.

It’s hard for me to imagine what a person that lives eternal work would be like. But I would imagine an outie to be a pleasant person. Or should be.

Anyone else watching Season 2 ?

keanu reeves was the voice of the Lumon building in season 2 opener,
after obama turned it down. (maybe the thread is headed for politics)

my wife loves Severence but to me its just average.


Oh yea. I’m all caught up waiting for the next episode tonight.

I’m a big fan of these kinds of mind benders.

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Great show, loved the opening scene of S2 Ep 1.

Apple does have some quality shows. Looking forward to the new season of Foundation.