After that disgusting stunt that was pulled with the Epstein files and continuing the biden drone lies after promising transparency and yet again appearing to ignore his promise to release the mlk,jfk and rfk files its looking like a 2016 repeat. Right down to Massie and paul again being the only politicians with any sincerity on anything.
Despite campaigning on doge trump is set again to increase the biden spending(just like he increased the obama deficit year after year) and is attacking the only rep who actually wants to address the debt
At least the border is a bit more secure so its not all a lost but this is just embarrassing.
Trump is rocking at a pace I’ve NEVER seen before and in the right direction. What DOGE has already exposed out does everything Biden accomplished in his entire political career.
■■■is the point of doge if Trump literally just increased the deficit and spending higher then biden and is attacking anyone who called him out for it🤣
Probably will when/if that earlier spending bill the House GOP cooked up goes through, but for now the border is more secure and the war in Ukraine seems to be on the path to ending.
Seems to be only a matter of time until I regret it. Democratic leadership doesn’t seem like they regret anything over the last year or two though, so it’s all on me.
The reasons why the Epstein files revealed nothing and the drone stuff went away is because you were had. Like always. Collective you. Including those who don’t dare criticize Trump.
Can’t wait for the biggest critic line to make a come back
Left wing talking points? Trump taking Biden spending and debt and adding too it is a left wing talking point now🤣 1.1 tril deficit is a left wing talking point?
The bill that passed appears to have fragmented the Democrat party. What I’m seeing is that the far left is now attacking the center left and in part…I give Trump the credit.
There may be things I don’t agree with but I consider the “whole” before making my conclusion plus I must consider what was plan B? Applying this mindset, you may want to reconsider your reconsider?