Anyone but Trump! Orlando newspaper publishes scathing anti-Trump endorsement editorial hours before his re-election campaign launches in that city

Can one “froth at the mouth” to kiss a politician’s butt? Or is the froth phrase only used to describe hate?

And that is different from their position on Trump in 2016 (before Trump carried Florida)?


It’s history says otherwise.

Trump’s base doesn’t tolerate Donald’s lying, they embrace it like two scoops of Mar-a-Lago’s finest! :ice_cream:

And think.

A news paper I can finally read! Good for them.

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Well, run some better candidates, then.

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It as though they are conjoined twins; they are so intimately related.

Eisenhower Republican are long dead, thanks to Reagan.

Lol, right, a traditionally Republican paper that accidentally endorsed a democrat in three out of the last four presidential elections.

They probably should have monitored the enthusiasm at the rally before shooting themselves in the publishing foot.

Opinions are wonderful. Embarrassing yourself publicly with one…Even better.


Yeah…I like the hidden lies better from previous administrations. When you can’t see them at the time, even though the repercussions are serious, it doesn’t count…amirite?

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Read? :neutral_face::face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking::no_mouth:

no comprendo

So all sources are to be judged by who they are. Are you willing to engage with the content of the editorial or do you just judge people based on background characteristics. There’s a point in the editorial about Trump’s constant lying disqualifying him for the Presidency. Can you show the truth of Trump’s statements or do you think lying is acceptable. Or would you prefer to ignore that and dismiss the editorial out of hand.

If all ideas are to be judged on the basis of who said them, rather than the merits of the ideas, will politics even be possible.

There will be newspapers that endorse Trump and those that endorse his opponent and I hope we can rise above just denouncing any source we disagree with.

So the newspaper should gauge who they endorse based on Trump supporters at a Trump rally?
None of the editors or those involved in the decision to NOT endorse Trump cannot be from their formed opinions?

Sounds like the papaer supports sick Polititions that spy on Americans and use the IRS to hurt Americans.

Yeah, that’s the problem with most lib voters.

No matter how many different times/ways you say this, it’s still not true. I give you credit for staying in character. Good Job!

There is a reason fake news won’t talk about it.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: