Anybody know what type of weapon was used?

Oh for gods sake learn the laws. Semi Automatics are not automatically classed as prohibited.

Yeah, It’s a little different. I discovered that when I had to go to “the Beer store” to get a six pack.

Your right its restricted not prohibited.

That is not true either semi auto that are classed prohibited are ones that had been converted from full automatic.

Your correct i’m confusing restricted and prohibited.


only in Ontario because the government wanted some extra money.

don’t report me they will take my license away :smile:

True. I didn’t see that in the Yukon. Matter of fact, I didn’t see much of anything in the Yukon.

lol, no problem

Northern Canada is magical, I love it.

Agree one hundred percent. It’s stunning!

Why are you messing with grizzly bear?

World record grizzly taken with a 22 single shot.
She knew the correct shot placement.

Because black bears are wussies. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I knew somebody would dig one up! :+1:

That would just make the Grizzly mad…normally…and they are too fast to out run. :cowboy_hat_face: