Originally published at: ANTIFA FAIL: DC Restaurant Confirms Cruz Returned After Attack, Finished ‘Exceptional’ Dinner | Sean Hannity
A spokesperson for the DC-area restaurant where Ted Cruz was confronted by Antifa activists Monday night confirmed the Texas Senator returned minutes after the attack; saying the lawmaker and his wife were able to “finish their exceptional meal” in silence.
The local eatery posted an official statement regarding the confrontation after video of the incident surfaced on social media, saying “Last night, protesters entered Fiola with the apparent purpose of confronting one of our guests.”
“When the situation resolved a few minutes later, our guests returned to thank the staff for their support and to finish their exceptional meal,” added the statement.
Cruz and his wife are the latest example of prominent Republicans to be harassed in public. Earlier this year, Rep. Maxine Waters urged her supporters to confront senior Trump officials and supporters at “gas stations” and “department stores.”