Antifa As A Political Force and Why Trump Is Hated

They are both organized and well funded. Wake up people.

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Barr hit the nail right on the head!


Good faith, antifa end game, and ideological genocide stick out. Roll reversal.

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The Barr/Levin interview says as much. “Complete political victory”

“Flat organization” was interesting.

Funded isn’t flat. If antifa is as he has defined it, that’s not what we have. Democrat operatives causing chaos for the purpose of electing a fixer, someone who espouses hope and change, is the flavor of our “antifa.”

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So further research indicates that, as in most subversive organizations, Antifa has many more CBA members that true believers.

The Charlottesville riot and the President’s “good people on both sides” comment is “proof” of the need to fight “facism” by masking up.