Antifa As A Political Force and Why Trump Is Hated

This thread is about this movement, not other movements.

Yesā€¦but again the democrat leadership had basically picked up that philosophy. Itā€™s not just about going after Trump, his supporters must be punished as well.

No, being a fascist is badā€¦

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The old guard? They have no clue what they picked up. They donā€™t begin to understand any of this.

this post reads like a thesis statement to an appeal for appeasement.

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Good post every comment on point but I can sum up the movement in a few words,ā€¦ Sedition, Anarchy & Treason!

Of course thereā€™s a shared (to a reasonable degree) philosophy behind antifa. Most are ancoms, right now, though I suspect a number of sympathizers have swelled the ranks that simply hate racists and the right wing.

As for antifa ā€œhavingā€ a publishing company, meh. I see a guy co-signing so it appears that way.

Actually I think they do.

More extreme the left becomes more so-called moderates they look. At least thatā€™s one line of thinking.

As for controlling what they have created might be another story. Antifa make a left-wing Jerry Nadler looking like a saint.

Until people like Polosi see Antifa doing serious harm to their brand, they will remain silent.

ā€œWe shall then exclaim: once againā€”hail insurrection!ā€
Lenin, 1905, The Political Strike and the Street Fighting in Moscow.

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What movement? The antifa? Who makes up exactly what percentage of the population?

I do not consider everyone who voted for trump evil.

Sorry to spoil the movement.



Something something vladimir lenin, so yes.

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Sedition and treason? This is much larger than one country.

How much research have you done on this topic?

It can be both.

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Thank you, all of them?

Sounds fine. Why not?

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Those ā€œopponentsā€ are always guilty of what they accuse others of, it never fails! :woman_shrugging:t2:


Letā€™s see. None.

I know unmitigated hogwash when I see it.

Since you asked me a question and I answered letā€™s see if you can return the favor.

What percentage of the citizenry of the United States is antifa adherents?

My guess is really really low?

Whatā€™s yours.

Hard to have a political movement with only fractional support.



Pretending everyone you oppose is a fascist is bad now.

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