Another Walmart Shooting that won't make a lot of headlines. Why?

By some definitions, it is a mass shooting.

Define “shortly”?

Since we’re supposing, what would he have done if an unarmed citizen had confronted him?

Last school shooting in LA 5 in 15 seconds. What police department has a 15 second response time?

By my maths’s, the OK citizen saved at least 2 lives.



Do you? Interesting.

We have sensible gun law. Had it since 1789.

No it isn’t. We are not subjects.

No, it’s the subjugation. The gun is an obstacle.

THIS is a common sense statement.



Yes we are.

Let me know when you can kill multiple people at a range with a shovel.


He didn’t want to kill strangers. Quite evident a targeted killing.


You have no idea what he wanted, which very easily could have changed during the course of events.

Not the 2 lives of the targeted.

Which 2 others was the shooter targeting.


His targets were already dead and his life was already over.
Even if nobody confronted him, he would have shot himself by the end of the day.

It’s not going to get much news coverage because it’s not as interesting as a rampage on strangers.

Good Lord that’s stupid. After an event starts, you have no idea what’s going to happen. You only know what the result was after it’s over.

The citizen wasn’t responsible for those two lives. So you’re saying he should have shot first?

I’m not a “gun zealot” . Just a country girl on ALOT of land. Safety is important to us out here.
Not looking to pick a fight or be on the receiving end of one from someone who has no perception of life out in the sticks. My point was not “political”. Merely a perspective from one who needs a form of self defense.

You don’t know that.

We can make an educated guess, based on other ex-wife killings. They usually don’t balloon out into rampages because the motivations of passion crimes are different from terrorism.

You’re so baaa, baaa, baaad. :sunglasses: