Another trump voter fraud lie falls apart

There have been investigations into voter fraud.

Many of them.

The amount of fraud that’s uncovered is always a minimal amount.

So until you can show strong probable cause why there’s this “hidden iceberg of fraud” that never seems to be uncovered, you really have no justification to make an essential right harder to exercise.

You mean like calling every story/article that’s critical of you “Fake news”?

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Not quit true

“Allegations that Hawkins altered 193 absentee voter records came to light”

And it was identified and addressed. No one is saying voter fraud does not exist or never happens.

Your link just proves that the safeguards in place work.

I am more worried about this kind of voter fraud.

He can’t help himself and his flock love the taste of red meat. :cut_of_meat: :sheep:

Someone needs to tell his campaign to stop sending me flyers encouraging me to vote by mail then.

It’s a bit unclear to me what she did. Did she alter the dates on the ballots? Did she alter votes? I see some evidence towards the former but not the latter.

Just curious.

Don’t even need to ask.

Good for me.

Bad for peons (and as Trump called me “human scum”.)

And why he’s not questioning the results/calling for an investigation of the special election (CA-25) won by Garcia (r)

Both great points.

If Trump was truly concerned about voter fraud he would not just be focused on his political opponents. A child could figure that out.

My link shows the part I bolded was was not true.

This is what always happens on this forum. We start to focus on sentence in a post without taking it in context with the entire post.

I did take It in context. That is why I put “not quit true”. I was trying to be polite, but I see that was wasted effort, you decided to get your panties in a wad over it, instead of just correcting yourself. If I would have disagreed with the rest I would have said so.

So it turns out Trump’s sorority-girl press secretary has voted by mail in almost every single election she’s ever voted in.

Her next presser is not gonna be fun for her.


One rule for them and one for the rest of us. Seems we are seeing the political elite again

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Had to smile at this.

“While the instances of voter fraud via mail-in or absentee ballots are more common than in-person voting fraud, the number of known cases is relatively rare.”

If one case is caught, for say, every five actual cases in one election, and there are insignificant consequences for the guilty one caught, what will happen in the next election?
