Another School Shooting

We should secure the border immediately to help stem the flow of illegal guns and ammo flooding from the US into Mexico.


Sounds a lot like what the hoplohobes here demand.


I think the parents are trying, the addiction is too strong.

It isnā€™t statistically significant to the U.S, but does it matter what country they are from when discussing motivations? This very well could have happened in the U.S.; just because it doesnā€™t doesnā€™t mean it is practically insignificant.

Certainly they are.

Well since roughly 99.9% of the school shootings we discuss here are shootings occurring in the US, yes, we should mention it when discussing them from elsewhere.

Sure we should mention it. But that doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t significant to the U.S? It also shows that gun control doesnā€™t work, according to the link someone posted earlier in the thread. Are you seriously agreeing with westaussie? Really? You sure you want to do that?

No dear, read that again.

This is a US forum where primarily we are Americans discussing American issues and world issues as they affect the US.

Not all of us are foreigners just trying to agitate and bait others into an argument.

Iā€™ve been around here for two decades and when we discuss foreign events we always put them in context by mentioning where they are occurring whether itā€™s a shooting or a plane crash.

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Itā€™s because all the dads are in the stateā€™s illegally stealing all our jobs. Because these boys have no dads at home the boys are being skoopt up by the gangs who take the place of their fathersā€¦who are here stealing our jobs. Gangs like UB 40, U2 MSNBC 13, and the drug k-tell itself.

Why canā€™t Mexico have good jobs so these kids daddyā€™s can stay home and have a catch with their sons after work like my dad did with me.

Having a catch with you boy solves all these problems.

Sarcasm filter on.

Thereā€™s actually a lot of truth to that.

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Especiallyā€™s the parts about the gangz. To be sure.

No, but thereā€™s a lot of truth in the rest of it.

NAFTA was supposed to be the solution to the emplyment problem in Mexico, at least that was a major part of Itā€™s problem.

Ross Perot was right, those who listened could hear the giant sucking sound as it drained our economy coming.

Nafta was never going to be a resolution. American manufacturers moved to Mexico to be able to pay labor cheaply. No Mexicans were going to be helped by what they were going to be paid. It was a huge hoax.

It is being reported in a Mexican news source that a Whatsapp ā€œconversationā€ between the Grandfather of the shooter and his daughter implies that the Grandfather knew the boys (shooter) intentions and supplied him with the weapons.

"Robertā€™s got a quick hand
Heā€™ll look around the room
He wonā€™t tell you his plan
Heā€™s got a rolled cigarette
Hanging out his mouth
Heā€™s a cowboy kid

Yeah he found a six-shooter gun
In his dadā€™s closet, in the box of fun things
I donā€™t even know what
But heā€™s coming for you, yeah heā€™scoming for you"

They sure arenā€™t helping all the other shootings happening in mexico, beheadings with chainsaws, etcā€¦ Letā€™s bring em here.

Poor kid: finally I got the MP3.
Rich kid: I got the MP4.
Quiet kid : I got the MP5.

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