Another mass shooting

Accept people for their differences and stop medicating them to your liking.


An example of what privileged thinking really is. Bought and paid for with American blood and lives. Entirely unappreciated and wasted.


What makes you think I’m talking about medications or anything else? Assumptions can be dangerous.

Torey laid out the 20% figure, you agreed with and added that they’re underreported. My point was that just because someone has a sad, that doesn’t mean we, as a society, have to pump them full of drugs to make them our definition of normal. Embrace their differences, and give them a sense of self worth rather than a pill of euphoria.

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Torey laid out the 20% figure, you agreed with and added that they’re underreported. My point was that just because someone has a sad, that doesn’t mean we, as a society, have to pump them full of drugs to make them our definition of normal. Embrace their differences, and give them a sense of self worth rather than a pill of euphoria.

I never said anything about a “sad,” or pumping people full of drugs. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

i would expect much higher

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Ah, but what kind of people did he want to (and did) kill? That is what will reveal his true motive.

Seems you want this to be racially motivated before knowing all the details. That’s what libs do.

And HOW do we “address” that?

MUCH money goes into funding “militarizing” police than goes into having a separate “service/department” that helps the mentally ill…

As someone who has dealt with “ill” people for years.

That’s MY idea of “defunding” police.

Local cops don’t need TANKS, in my humble opinion.

They need funds to create another aspect/section/department to deal with people that are ill.

Training could help immensely. A good way to spend money, in my NOT so humble opinion.

Just sayin’.

Does Biden talking to the country about this latest mass killing give everyone a warm feeling of security that someone who knows exactly how to handle every problem is in charge of the country?

Me neither.

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"On a Facebook page purported to belong to Alissa, he wrote messages that criticized former President Donald Trump’s response to immigration and refugees, allegedly writing “Trump is such a d—.”

His actions are certainly going to have an affect on peoples attitude of Trump’s no refugees from terrorist countries position, I would think.

Might as well point out he was a Trump hater. What, if he were praising Trump and a supporter, you don’t think the left would make a point of that?

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Didn’t he come here when he was a baby? How do we know he practices Islam?

Edit: He talked about his Islamic faith on his Facebook. Disregard.

We don’t know this. He was critical of Trump but also supported Repub positions.

As far as his age, aren’t children’s attitudes often shaped by their families…of which he purportedly had an extended one in his house.

As far as his Isla…I see you have edited that.
Yes, he make anti Trump statements. I have no idea what Repub positions he may have held.

Having a sad is common. Mental illness isn’t.

[quote=“amadeus, post:311, topic:238737, full:true”]

How do you define mental illness?

Precisely. That’s what the HBO documentary “Ernie and Joe” was all about. My brother-in-law, a cop in San Antonio, was one of the directors of that unit, and was featured in the documentary.

[quote=“Eagle-Keeper, post:339, topic:238737, full:true”]

I don’t define mental illness. Others in the profession do. I also don’t interpret radiographs. Others in the profession do.

They better hurry…

I’m a gun owner in NYC!

I had to jump through a ■■■■ TON of hoops to get my guns.

I don’t feel “punished”!

I feel privileged to be a part of a system that tries to make sure that, as you call them, “crazy” folks don’t have guns!

Over a decade ago, I let my license lapse…

Cops were at my door 2 days later and took my gun.

I took responsibility, followed the law, and had my gun back in less than 3 months.

No sweat off my testicles!

I didn’t have my gun for 4 months!

I survived!

No angst…

No anxiety attacks…

No separation anxiety…

No “Fear”…

I had other means of “protecting” myself during that time.

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Our country has had 5? 6? shootings in the last 5 days.

That’s the MEDIA’s fault?