Two student resource officers, known as SROs, were in the school at the time of the shooting, but the incident was over by the time they got to the scene, Aaron said.
“They were not in the immediate vicinity of the cafeteria … By the time the SROs got down there, the shooting had stopped, and the shooter had shot himself,” he said.
We just need to be honest about the trade off. There are lots of guns in America (yay), so lots of people get shot and die (boo). We just need to be honest about that thing.
I’m not saying it’s the wrong thing. But it’s a thing.
You’re wrong.
In Texas if Police didn’t hesistate and went in an hour sooner some kids may have been saved.
Most of the time death toll is less because Police interviened.
If Police didn’t protect people Police wouldn’t exsist. Yet every country has one.
So…yes…Police DOES protect.
I agree.
We need to correct the main cause of these tragedies. A human mind.
Nothing wrong with water in America, it’s how kids are being brought into the adult world.
Absent parents, poorly structured formative years.
Kids are left to rear them self.
Teachers can’t touch them, parents losing rights more and more, kids left with too much free time to fantasize, not kept busy and then Liberal policies go as far as letting a 6 y. old decide if he/she is male or female…WHAT can go wrong.
Coincidence shootings rose in frequency as Liberalism was pushing ahead? I don’t think so.