Another anti-vaxer dies

You don’t know where they should be located?

How about the folks in Texas asking for help with this being ignored by Biden/Harris?

Well, yes it is.

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Because had he made it public and bragged like crazy about it - which is his honest to god super power, right? - I think a lot more people would be vaccinated right now.

Ok. so we agree. They should be doing this.

He got COVID and recovered. Before the vaccine.

That you think if Trump made public getting the jab, the poke the whatever has any relevance is highly amusing.


Oh so now we are talking about 5% of conservatives now :rofl:

Which basket is bigger?

Yikes! One un-vaccinated person! So what if it is 1% or 20%

The cumulative.

That you don’t is down right laughable.

Yep. I respect privacy.

I respect yours as well.

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House GOP members are protesting mask mandates. 600K dead and these bozos can’t be bothered to wear a mask. The GOP is a joke.

Trump set the tone that wearing masks is a sign of weakness.

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What is the point of this? Just wasting time, doing nothing.

Put the ■■■■■■■ mask on, and get to work.

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That’s what GOP voters want. They don’t want the government to do anything for them. Because freedom.

:sheep: :sheep:


Are you sure? How about it does what it is supposed to do? Wouldn’t that be something?

Well, let’s see: he got the vax in January, didn’t tell anybody, and then an advisor told the press about in March. So yeah, that seems pretty secretive to me.

Yes. I’m sure.

I’m quickly approaching the point where I just don’t care anymore. The health system spent almost a year with nothing more than supportive treatment available. It wasn’t universal (nothing is) but most in healthcare worked their butts off to help those with COVID. Some patients did fine, some died, some are facing long term health issues even though they “recovered.”

Now it’s a year later. Very effective vaccines are available. Some have found reasons to reject them. We know preventative measures beyond vaccines have an impact. Some have found reasons to reject them as well. Political reasons. Pseudoscience reasons. Personal choice reasons. Fear reasons. The reasons don’t matter.

The only thing that makes me still care, besides my lingering humanity, is that people don’t get sick in a vacuum. When someone gets sick it costs money and requires non-monetary resources. Healthcare workers, equipment, facilities are all consumed. If it weren’t for that, I’d have no issues with the anti-vaccine anti-prevention crowd.

I witnessed an anti-vaxxer die of COVID yesterday. It was a first for me. I felt bad. I didn’t feel as bad as I did a year ago when I watched people die of COVID when no vaccine was available. If the anti-vaxxers weren’t a weight on everyone else, I’d have no issues. Let them not get vaccinated. Let them refuse prevention measures. Let them get COVID. Let them be sick. Let them develop chronic health issues. Let them die.

Until someone finds a way for the anti-vaccine anti-prevention folk to stop being a burden on everyone else, people will continue to urge them to change their practices. I could not care less if that makes them uncomfortable.


He told us after someone leaked it two months after he did it. So yeah, it was a secret.


What word do you not understand?