Anheuser-Bush sheds 5 billion in value!

i dont care about “2021” bud light screwed itself by being activists

go ahead blame it on leftist style babified fit tactics all you want.

It’s a “babified” tactic that the right uses just as much. Glad we can agree.

There is no evidence of that, only coincidence. Most Bud Light is sold in aluminum cans, not glass bottles. There has been an ever dwindling demand for glass bottles for decades.

Perhaps you should start up a campaign for leftist activists to drink more Bud Light. Maybe you can restore those 600 jobs if you demand your beer in bottles. :smirk:

Huh, I did not know that. It might be a factor. The article I posted links the shutdown to the Mulvaney controversy, though.

A glass bottling company impacted by Bud Light’s botched promotion with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney will close down two of its locations, laying off more than 600 employees as the beer brand continues to grapple with staggering financial losses and declining sales.

I’ve actually been wondering why there isn’t a left-wing counter boycott encouraging people to buy Bud Light. Maybe it’s so terrible that people can’t even drink it for political reasons?

Bud light is ass, that’s why there isn’t a counter boycott. Libs have way better taste in beer than that


Baloney. Customer preference is as heavily influenced by the label on a can or bottle or even its shape or color just as much as by the contents. Visual presentation is probably the number one reason why people chose one product over another nearly identical product.

Not a single conservative ever saw the bud light cans with Dylan on them in stores. There was only 6 made

Okay, I’m not sure what your point is. People didn’t stop buying Bud Light for taste or appearance, they stopped buying it for politics.

I don’t know what you are complaining about … you libs invented cancel culture. Maybe you should have copywriter it, so others couldn’t use it against you. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t think so. Cancel culture is from the bottom up, not top down. Vox populi.

Also Disney never fired anybody for that, they were fired for saying nasty thing publicly.

It is crazy that they are trying to rewrite history on this. It all went down recently, and we watched it in real time.

I’m not complaining! Not at all.

Six cans that became millions on social media. The Internet has virtually no bounds.


Nobody. The market changed. It’s always changing.

Demand for glass bottles has been in decline for decades. Maybe those people can get jobs at an aluminum or plastic container factory. The growing micro-brew industry faces a shortage of cans.

From the Fox News article:

The bottling company did not reveal the reason for the move, but an investigation by WRAL reportedly found that the plants are shuttering because of tanking Bud Light sales, as retailers, distributors, bars and contracted companies feel the wrath of nationwide boycotts over the controversial Bud Light partnership that celebrated Mulvaney’s “365 Days of Girlhood.”

Workers at both bottling plants have reportedly noticed decreased production after Mulvaney’s video announcing the collaboration on social media gained public attention in April, WRAL reported. A machine repair mechanic told the outlet that the drop in demand forced the Louisiana and North Carolina plants to put some of their machines offline, which he attributed to “the Bud Light situation.”

Sounds like company, bottling plant biggest mistake was putting all there eggs in Bud lite basket.

Why aren’t they producing bottles for other companies?