Angry Grandpa to start his term by eliminating 2000 high paying jobs

I do care and very deeply. While I don’t care for unions, I despise any man losing his job, especially because of a vote whoring hoax.


I don’t know if you’ve ever been on social media, watched any variety of news networks, or even generally surfed the internet, but “liberal compassion” does not exist. These days, the focus of that ideology is punishing non-believers.

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Not true.

One of out major problems is that the industry around petroleum products is not priced into it’s use.

The damage done is socialized cost that is not priced into the point of sale.

Start doing that, then you see change a lot faster.

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Anthropogenic climate change is mythology. Alchemy.

Stop drinking mercury.

I despise people who say liberals hate this country.

They don’t you know, they have different view of this country.

That’s all.

And yes my ancestors did found this great country of ours. (See ours not mine)

E pluribus unum

Many points of view in our pluralistic society.


I will mark this down under the Climate Change ain’t real column with a soupçon of suck it lib

Not interested in debating reality.

It’s not a debate.

For once… we agree.

Alchemy. The New American Mythology.

Pol Pot with a Harvard degree.

I am sure that you believe that to be true.

It was. Even my ancestors had a primitive view of people with dark skin.

I saw it in the writings of some letters from my how many ever great grandfather at the turn of the century (18th). Man oh man. Yikes.


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Truth is easy to believe if one doesn’t drink mercury.

We’re not “shutting down gasoline”.

We’re simply not lining the pockets of large oil companies who are only “creating” cheap minimum wage jobs in the US.

The “high paying jobs” peaked with the shale boom. They’ve actually been declining…even under Trump.

Oil jobs minimum wage? I don’t believe that to be remotely accurate.


That’s absolutely untrue. I have oil field workers in my extended family - the Democrat “solution” when they lose those jobs is to retrain them for McDonald’s with a $15 minimum wage.

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Allow me to translate. Heavily tax a fossil fuel industry that is supplying cheap energy. Heavily subsidize a young green energy industry that isn’t yet ready for prime-time, by a large margin.

The result.

Dramatically higher energy cost for heating and driving.

Upper middle class and rich will easily adapt to those higher costs.

The poorest amongst us will be disproportionately impacted, as they always are by misguided LIB policies. And yet they keep voting these clowns into office.

Go figure. :confused:


Missed a key step. Subsidize the high energy costs of the poor with money from the wealthy, remind them to vote democrat or freeze next winter.

The fossil fuel industry enjoys the benefits of socializing the environmental and health costs of it’s extraction, processing and use.

Figure those costs into the point of sale, then it doesn’t look like the cheapest option.

Stop Socializing the costs. Thats all.

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What other industries include them? What are wind farms paying per chopped bird?