Andrew McCabe: 25th Amendment was discussed by Justice Department to remove Trump from office

What makes you think you, a person that sees Trump only briefly on TV, would know better than people around him frequently? That’s why the constitution makes it so the cabinet is entrusted with determining if the president has capacity and not you.

If the public want to stage a coup against the constitution, then they’ll be treated as traitors.

You’re wrong.

No one is going to get away with a misuse of the 25th Amendment. An attempt to use it for anything less than an obviously incapacitated president would cause riots in the streets and ultimately fail in the Supreme Court, where it would surely end up.

The Supreme Court would sorrectly see it as a mis-use of the Amendment.

I’m not telling you it is unlawful to discuss it. I’m telling you it is wholly unpatriotic and despicable to discuss it, given that Trump is in no way incapacitated. These guys were despersate to even contemplate it.


Had McCabe and Rosenstein discussed impeachment instead of removal this thread would be exactly the same, replacing the 25th amendment with Section II of the constitution and ending with these two still being guilty of sedition.

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What other people around him have said he is mentally unfit?

McCabe and Rosenstein were HOPING they could gather enough establishment types to make a case but they are obviously wrong.



No, I’m not. Now, there is definitely some speculation in my post neither of us could prove/disprove, but backing up to the point of what actually happened…discussion…no laws were broken.

“Misuse” is your opinion. The 25th does not define proper use. Just use.

Surely, but to suggest that invoking it is sedition/treason is absurd and partisan petulance.

I believe all 9 justices would disagree with you, but we’ll never know. No point in arguing a hypothetical.

I know you didn’t, but there are a few in this thread who do believe that, and that it the major point of controversy in this thread right now.

In your opinion.

I don’t know how many were with them but you’ll never find out unless you ask.

It’s incredible that we are even having this conversation.

Well since its such a clear cut case then trump is having them arrested right?

Next to the definition of “is” is. Are you kidding?

@FreeAndClear is a better spokesman.

Swing and a miss.

Try again.

Where, in the constitution, is “unable” defined?

So you feel the 25th and impeachment are the same thing?

You’re focusing on the tool again.

It’s not. Nor does it say the SCOTUS interprets the Constitution.

Does it say McCabe and Rosenstein can plot to remove a duly elected POTUS? Poll? Wear a wire?

Thanks for finally admitting that.

Tangential. Focus.

It doesn’t say anything about discussing the 25th being illegal. After all, the 1st amendment protects their speech. Right? And nothing else in the constitution forbids discussion of invoking an amendment in the constitution, right?

You asked what? Twice? I’ll try to be quicker Nancy Needy.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Weak-assed cop out. It is the basis for your entire political belief system.

They weren’t “discussing” it. They were plotting.

Then why are they lying?

No. I feel talking about either is not sedition.

So why haven’t they been arrested?

Does the constitution say some parts don’t apply to Trump or cannot even be discussed while Trump is President?

Oh, I’m not suggesting for a moment that he’s sick, non compos mentis, or should be removed because of his “policies”. I’m stating that he’s unfit because the Russians have kompromat on him, which means that his decisions are made for their benefit, not ours.

I haven’t said that it is sedition to discuss this. I have said that it is a gross attempt to misuse the purpose of the Amendment and that it is wholly unpatriotic and despicable…

…and doomed to failure, too.


There is ZERO proof of that, but even if there was the 25th is not the vehicle for that.

Impeachment would be the proper remedy.

The 25th is for presidents unable to hold their office - not for presidents unfit because of something outside their physical and mental ability.