And there it distract from real crimes committed

This thread didn’t age well at all. Lol. Not everything is a conspiracy against Trump.

However, once again Trump lies to his supporters and it seems, instead of questioning him, some are lashing out at those who pointed out he was lying.

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So you are saying that If Horowitz reported on the truth he would have lost his job?

This is the great thing about conspiracies they are endless and used by individuals so they can enjoy the luxury of having to never question their own beliefs.


You believe Mr. A Higher Loyalty?

Ha! Now YOU really got ME now! :rofl:

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Hey - there are worse things in the world. I mean, there are people that actually believe Donald Trump.

So you believe Trump? :rofl:

Every time the guy opens his mouth he lies.

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if you support trump your ability to evaluate a political candidate is severely compromised as is your common sense

We’ll see
God makes all thing beautiful in His time.

What a non-answer.

Sheople often say orange man baaa, baaa, baaad like you just did. I hope when the truth gets placed right before your eyes, you can “evolve” back from a sheople, to an actual thinking person?

This is rich coming from a Trump supporter who was just proven he lied to you again. Baaah indeed.


Looks c like the President had his sheep bleating on command about the IG report. A virtual chorus of rugged individualists baaing to the same song.

Sometimes the wolf looks like a sheep. Or a border collie.

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Paging @conan. You often remind us of how your predictions come true. Well, you predicted Pelosi’s impeachment hearing was scheduled to take attention from the Horowitz report, so we’re all ears on how that played out.

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I wasn’t out to “get” you. I wasn’t even replying to YOU. At this point the second part of my post is accurate.