And there it distract from real crimes committed

Nancy has schedules the impeachment hearing for Monday…why Monday you might ask?

Well to provide cover for libs on Horowitz report.

Raise your hands if you didn’t see this coming?

Now the question is…will she schedule one on Wednesday too.

Any bets?

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Isn’t that the report that found no crime was committed?

We don’t know. It reported that at least one person has been refered for criminal prosecution. Everything else is just speculation at this point.

There will be literally nothing stopping Trump’s DOJ from prosecuting any crimes potentially uncovered by the report.

Thanks for the laughable Jim Hoft article, btw.

They’ve only been promising to release this report for awhile now. Maybe they’re trying to use it for cover instead of the other way around.

Lol Gateway pundit. From the link:

This gives their liberal media cover to ignore the historic IG report on Obama deep state spying on the Trump presidential campaign and administration.


@conan Could you tell us a bit about the crimes Horowitz outlined today? And how Nancy was complicit in trying to cover those crimes by holding hearings today?


Don’t care. The dems are going to do what they are going to do. Nothing is going to stop them. They left any semblance of any credibility they could have had long ago.

IMO, there are many (D) and ® who’ve used their positions to gain personally.

It needs to stop.

The American people are tired of being fleeced. I don’t care what party you belong to.


So much frothing. But you really got 'em now.


I have no idea what you mean. Frothing? I got 'em?

You’ve got them now!!


I love this place!!


I’m sitting here now eagerly anticipating Fox News coverage of James Comey’s perp walk. I’m sure they’re going to be showing it any minute now. Any minute…

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Maybe Fox knows he will be arrested and unavailable.


Conan, what did we miss on the Horowitz indictments coming out today?


Standard reply when you have nothing of substance to refute what was said, or you just want to hear yourself yammer.

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Who was referred for criminal prosecution?

Horowitz must be part of that super duper double secret squirrel Deep State too.


Horowitz likes his job and in keeping it, he attempts to please all sides.

The sheople come along to bleat the next conspiracy. Is that more dripping we hear from Little Rock?

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